Happy New Year writers! Are you ready to get back to work? I can't wait for you all to take part in this month's delicious writing challenge!This month we are going to write recipes. These aren't recipes for food! These are recipes for "success" or "happiness" or "romance" or "health" or whatever you are an expert in. We are going to write recipes to inspire other members to have a fabulous 2010.A typical recipe includes:A) A photoB) An introduction (background or a preview)B) An ingredients listC) Step-by-step directionsYour Task:1. Decide what your recipe will be for. (Example "success")2. Open a new blog post on your profile page. Give it the title "Writing Challenge #15: My Recipe for a "(your choice) " 2010.3. Write out a preview/introduction/background paragraph (a sentence or two)3. Write out an ingredients list. (this is like an outline)4. Write out the step by directions/instructions.5. Come back to this blog and share a link to your blog post in the comments.My Example Recipe:Tara's Recipe for a "Balanced" 2010
In 2010, think of each day as a gift. When you open your gift each morning, know that you have exactly enough time to complete everything you want and need to do.Ingredients:
work that you love doing
your passion
Directions:First, carve out some time for yourself. You should have at least an hour a day to do the one thing in life that makes you tick. Second, save some time for the friends and family members who you truly love. Don't waste time with people you don't enjoy. Your social life should be filled with people who truly "get" you. Third, take your doctor's advice about laughter. It truly is the best medicine. Think about what makes you giggle like a child. Is it funny movies, YouTube videos, or talking to your best friend on the phone? Make sure to have one good belly laugh each day. Next, only work as much as you need to. When you are at work, make sure it is work you enjoy. If you don't enjoy your work, your day will seem long and tiresome. Last but not least, at the end of each day, take a moment to be grateful for your balanced life.Here is another sample for you: Expector's Recipe for a Healthy 2010
yeah, certainly a balanced diet you did prescribe for a healthy life. Its better do give some more capssules every week and some nice excercises to be done by the students. wish you a good gathering here to make fruitful your sincere efforts..
I have no recipe for this year. I am planning to live it in chaà ALLAH as it is.
I have not succeded in carrying out so many plans before, so what is the use of planning any thing else more?
Ha ha thanks
Hello Tara, I am just back from a month's break in the states (west virginia). Hopefully back to near normal. This challenge is indeed thought provoking, I could have several recipies. I will have to work diligently on this, careful not to go astray. Keep to my chosen topic..
thank you ..
I have no recipe for this year. I am planning to live it in chaà ALLAH as it is.
I have not succeded in carrying out so many plans before, so what is the use of planning any thing else more?
Ha ha thanks
It's great lesson for me. Thanks to all.
This is my recipe : Writing Challenge #15: My Recipe for a "English Learning " 2010.
I hope you enjoy it.
this is M.Adaway's recipe
how are you?
happy new year
woooov very new idea!!
good and nice!!