Lets all join our hands on world environment day... to do our share...to make a beautiful earthIts your space!! Shout!! Shout on how much you care for environment!

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  • ok come on guys

    let us protect our environment
  • Hi ADNAN! Your post is very nice. You encouraged me a lot. Keep our environment clean and fresh! Every one, every nation and all the world, give your hand to protect the environment now!

  • If we take care of our environment we will peacely and happily in our biggest house which is Earth.
    Thanks alot Adnan.
    Best Rwgards.
  • you're right Adnan! it's hot day by day, everyone care about this but noone do anything for it....(-.-) because it's so hard to change thing in this world....
  • i think Everyone will say that he care about environment but it is not what you say it is about what you did to prove that you really care about environment :)
    I hope that our governments take decisions to reduce pollution especially China and USA governments and i hope everyone of us sell his car and buy electricity car and i hope we can depend on green fuel rather than petrol and other fuels :)
  • u r right dear soniya its true we just think not do any work huh
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