Wordless Wednesday #11

Salim wins this week with the following caption: 


The owner of the book has put it aside for his eyes started to hurt , but an unknown voice with a long arm says : "I can't resist taking a look at it "...


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  • don't take my book. its my  favorite book. if some one interested about it, may you borrow in library, or better go to the book shop and buy one for you. who are u? why did you just show your hand. let me alone , please.................
  • Great entries so far! 


    Martin: The Proper Order of Things is available on Amazon.ca,  Amazon.com, and Amazon.co.uk (print or eBook). If you have a mobile device (smart phone, tablet etc.) you just need to download the free Kindle app. I've also recorded the first few chapters for anyone to listen to via iTunes (download or stream). I plan to record the whole book eventually. I've shared an excerpt here:Interview and an Excerpt. Actually, I have no idea how the expanded distribution works. It would be interesting to know if people in countries outside of North America and Europe are able to purchase it. 


  • "it's ok, you can pick me up, but please put me back here, other people may want to have a look at me too"
  • Pick me up and try to take a look!
  • hello Tara! My caption to the picture is" Please, touch me", It's said " It is never too late to learn"
  • Phantom: Betrayed by her own shadow.
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