Do you have yoko meshi?
Every language has unique words that can't be translated to other languages, because they don't have any equivalent meaning. This is why a language can say a lot from a culture (it makes sense that Inuits/Eskimo people have more words for saying 'snow' than people who speaks Swahili, for instance)
Yoko meshi is a japanese word that can't be translated into english and probably neither to many other languages. Literally means a meal eaten sideways; but the expression refers to the stress induced by speaking a foreign language! I can imagine Japanese people feeling so bad about it that they had to make up a word for it... But probably they are not the only ones feeling like that, right? :)
Now I feel more confident when I've to speak English, since I don't mind people looking at me in a weird way haha... But I guess we all have been through this.
What about you? Do you still feel that 'stress' or have you overcome it already?
And btw, do you have in your language any other word like 'yoko meshi', or any word in your language that can't be translated to English language?
Oh! So many questions... But you don't need to reply now! Take your time!
The weekend is coming *hooray!*
Let's dance! ^_^
(is not that I like this song, but I like the movies dance compilation!)
Oh my! I can't stop danciiiing!!! ^_^
Have a nice weekend!
Risty, I think is not really 'to be' Yoko Meshi, but to 'feel'. So you feel Yoko Meshi.
But probably you'll overcome that soon; your english level is very good, so you shouldn't be feeling this 'Yoko Meshi' thing for any longer :)
Oh, thanks a lot for sharing these two words and meanings, they are very cool! You also gave me an "additional knowledge" today ;)
Thanks a lot for your interesting comment.
Adaline, thanks for sharing more interesting words! I like esp. Cafuné (what a lovely meaning) Schnapsidee (because it's kind of funny) Viraha (a sad thing tho) and Jayus (all my jokes are like that so I need that word! haha)
Thanks for adding more interesting words with your comment ^_^
setareh, yes I know what you mean, still it happens sometimes to me too. Maybe the only thing we can do to overcome that is just not to feel so worried to make mistakes... After all, we all make them and that's the way to learn as well :)
Thanks a lot for dropping by!
Dear Mary, from the first place i tried to pronounce English words correctly, but whenever i want to speak I get stressed out over grammar the more I make mistakes.:) I dont have anything in my mind that can not be translated, but maybe there are some.
Lovely word dear Mary! I never heard it before, Thanks for sharing!
There are literally many words that cannot translated in to other languages. The semantic overlap between two languages may not exactly match. All my food, ethnic things, relatives, functions and festivals I can explain to you but there is no one word for it.
Here are some of the example words in my language i.e Tamil , Uyir, Kadhal, Kanal & Oodal.
Cafune’_ The act of running fingers through lover’s hair (?)-Portuguese
Litost_ Czech writer Milan Kundera says ‘Its a state of torment created by sudden sight of one’s own misery_ (Czech)
Schnapsidee_ A plan people get when they are drunk(ridiculous plans) (German)
Viraha_ The realization of love through separation(hindi)
Jayus_ A joke so unfunny that we can’t help laugh(Indonesian)
Abbiocco_ The drowsiness we feel after eating a large meal(Abbicco) these are some of the other language words I did learn today.
Thank you & Well Done!
Dear Mary, may I say that I'm a Yoko meshi? but maybe more than that, stress alone will not suffice the description. :D Unfortunately, I haven't overcome my speaking difficulties, I'm trying my best but to practice with people who doesn't like to observe proper grammar construction when speaking is a big hindrance for me to be a better speaker. :(
Sure there are words in Tagalog that can't be translated into English, these are the following;
* TAMPO = it is something that you're aren't angry at someone but you're not happy about them either, and usually felt towards a special someone, (for ex. you are expecting the person to do something for you, but unintentionally the person doesn't comply to your expectation, since you know that it's unintentional, you can't be angry over that, but still you feel sad and you want him/her to notice that by just making yourself "mute" when he/she is around).
* LAMBING= An intense tenderness, sweetness, and affection rolled into one word. (for ex. you want to show that person that you really care for him/her, you'll bring her/him something that you know he/she likes, or you'll do something in favor of that person, or you want him/her to execute the other way around, you want her/him to make lambing to you. :D)
We have so many words but I think these two are common to us Filipinos and personally, I feel these most of the time. :D
Mary, is my usage for yoko meshi correct? it's a noun so I assumed that it can be named a person or the character of a person, hmm...but isn't it possible to me an adjective?
Thanks for sharing this, I have an additional knowledge for today! :)
Luci, if I was a cat you'd be my zucchini on the floor XD

- I've no idea why you link a word that can't be translated to other language with that "Arabic Wisdom" (nice tho) but anyway... Let's pretend I get you! XD
- Ugh, I hope at least you don't have to talk in english "the last day of your life"...
- Okay, keep thinkin'.
- What I "exactly wanted in this blog" is all that you said... and probably more! :P
Just one topic at once is not enough for me.
Thanks for dropping by.
Nadya, are you sure you don't have that word in your language? Weird :/
Thanks for the comment!
Batuhan, thanks! Maybe you and AG can work together to find unique words in your respective languages :P Because I'm sure you have unique words as well!
Thanks for your comment!
Only agoraphobia comes into my mind related to this situation. Its not in ma own language tho
That reminds me of a funny Wisdom we have it in Arabic. It says that a man told his friend "Man, I have invented a liquid that can melt EVERYTHING". Friend answered "Great man, what container have you put it into" :P
I still have it, and I think I will still have it till the last day of my life.. hufff..
Thinking.. Thinking.. Thinking.. and Thinking.. There is nothing in my mind now.. maybe later as you said..
Well away from that, I don't understand what you wanted exactly in this blog! did you want to make an introduction to social linguistics? did you want to facilitate the stress that we have about speaking English? did you want to know about our other native languages? or did you just want to dance? :D :P
Oh, I won't continue, because I think the answer is in the title of your first video :D :P
Thanks for this mixture that tastes like fruit salad :D
Luci yeah! sounds like female name plus soccer player :P
Woah! I like your story about that Yoko Meshi guy hahaha... I wonder what would mean 'Yoko Ono'... Yoko Ono (n.) - The kind of people who forget about their friends when they get a boyfriend/girlfriend.
Oh my! What is that thing you write in capital letters and I barely can read! I'm blind! I can't see what you say! ARghhhh X_X
Evangelina! "hyggeligt" ugh, i think I could never learn that language... everything sounds so crazy for me! :D
It happens to me the same with some spanish words or expressions. But I'm getting more used to english and now it also happens to me the opposite! (I wanna use in Spanish language English words/expressions that can't be translated into my language) So I'm starting to find Spanglish as my fav new 'language' hahaha...
Thanks for your hyggeligt words ^_^