why we need old-age homes?


When I was going to office. I watched  80years an old lady. She doesn't have money and she wared shabby clothes. She was gazing into a food-court. I thought she was in hungry. Noone gave food to her.I thought she is orphaned or Her family members left her.

     Why people left their parents?why Senior citizens are joined in oldage homes? When we were born, From that day to today they are giving everything what we are asking them.But when they are depending upon us but we are ignoring them.

     Now they are parents and we are children but after we will be parents what will our children do in future?

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  • Her white soft hand was in my hand.  She was lying unconscious after a severe stroke, but her grip was still strong on my hand.  Then I felt the grip was loosening, for a moment later, or for centuries later, there was no grip, and she was gone peacefully..........peacefully? Yes, because my hand was in her weakening hand which she was feeling even she was unconscious.  YES, SHE WAS MY MOTHER. 

  • Plastic plate.

    When parents of a man died, he was cleaning their room. Hid son who was seeing him cleaning the picked up a broken dirty plastic plate. "Throw it away son!" "No. father I will keep it!"
    'Why? It's dirty and broken!" He said to his son.
    "I will give you food in this plate, when you get old, just they way you used to give food to grandpa!'

    I read above story in my e-mails.

  • She didn't have money, and she was wearing shabby clothes.
    I thought she was hungry.
    Nobody gave her any food.
    I thought she was homeless, his family members might have abandoned here.

    Why people leave their old parents?
    They take care us since we born till we get young.
    They give us everything we ask just to make us happy.
    But when they become dependent upon us we ignore them.

  • It's a sad situation. I'm not privy to all cultures and how the elderly are treated in different countries. Even in America, some "fall between the cracks". In my opinion, no family member, no matter how old, gets left behind. We take care of each other. An elderly and disabled loved one belongs in the care of family. Trust me, I know from personal experience.

  • Yes, it's so sad to see some of the elderly suffering so much. What makes their life so miserable? Their children may be to blame, or the government or system is to blame.

    The problem is people will never know how they will live their lives when they are old. 

  • It's really insane , how people can do such things with their parents? Only feeling-less people could send their parents to an old age house. It's a pity how people forget the struggle of their parents, and misbehave with them.

    We must remember the proverb "You reap what you sow".

  • Sometimes in life maybe some of our actions lead us to a lonely path!I don't try to jystify their children I'm just expressing the other side of the coin.Nonetheless,nobody should be living in the streets or in the cold weather conditions or starving!I only hope every country in the world would take care of these homeless people and stray dogs.

  • thanks for your comments all

  • It is sad to see old people lonely but sometimes we can hardly guess the reasons. Some old people are stubborn, live in their world, others might have some problems with addiction etc. I just wanted to say that not everytime it is like family got rid off sb. Anyway...people who are able to get parents outta their house deserve the same and hope their kids will treat them the same way... only one solution is on my mind...some Social Centers for such people in need should be built up in my opinion..
  • Good question!

    It should be the same love, but unfortunately it seems parents love their children more than their children love them. Parents may readily eat whatever just comes out of the mouth of their children, or feed their babies with their mouths. 

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