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  • Please excuse me I misrepresented Wheng, her vote is for "Air". :-))
  • Mebarek, here on our planet all the elements are one with the other but there are other worlds of pure fire, gas and water, what must these be like?

    Nice to have a "fire" supporter in Nataly and a vote for "water" from Wheng. Will they be in the majority or the minority?

  • hi Mr.Mark,

    In my case I'd wind. so that everybody can feel and smell me . Because with out air we can not breath properly .The wind give us to be fresh and to live .I hope you can check my grammar because I'm poor in this skills.I really appreciate your advice about my grammar.

    Thanks .
    From Wheng .
  • HELO ,do you think that the four element could be one without the others?? think about it !!!!! friendly-ATIKA-
  • Thank you to everyone who has posted so far! The "water" lovers are dominating the topic at the moment but where are the all consuming "fire" and fertile, supportive "earth" people? As a "water" being I can of course relate to all the other elements too and as "water" meet them on my journey through life.
  • Hi Mark, nice topic !

    I choose the water because in our bodies consists mainly of water.
    water is a symbol of life, we all need it. more flexsible if compared with other elements ...

    thanks for sharing me,

  • I prefer to be wind.A strong and change all other elements.It can move the earth and water or stop the fire.So i like the idea of change.
    Thanks for your topic.
  • Hi
    what an interesting topic!

    i prefer to be water too;water gives me calmness,makes me is symbol of life to me when it is in the sea;it is sometimes dealing with storm,sometime sleeps in peace under a dark sky full of evaporates when lying under the turns blue under the blue smiles when you look at it wearing a smile on your face. it reflects your gesture to yourself.
    .....and many many other reasons.
    nice topic;thanks for sharing.
    have a nice time relaxing next to water:)
    Cose Nuove con
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