- drinking a cup of coffee or tea and reading a book in the morning
- cleaning and tidying the rooms when the other members of the family are out
- making a cake for breakfast
- watching your favourite series on TV
- making plans and organising things for the rest of the day or the whole week
- decorating furniture in your room or the entire house in a different way
- taking care of yourself like cleaning yourself and resting for a while
- fixing some things that are broken or out of order
- waking up early so that you have enough time for everything you want to do
- anticipating for what is to come
- when there's no movement in the rooms but stillness and quietness
- taking a nap after a tiring day
- taking a last glance at the mirror and going out for a walk or jogging
- when somebody is eager to help in the house
Some of my plans described at serials no 1, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9.