"Small talks" are the reason why most of my neighbors think I'm crabby and unfriendly. If I'm locked in the elevator with someone, I don't need to know how is the f***ing weather!!! I just came from the street for Godiva sake! If you don't really have anything to tell can you just keep silent for the 30 SECONDS that last the elevator's trip??!! ugh... ¬_¬
So that's why I need to look 'unfriendly', for keeping these people who love 'small talks' away from me :P Sorry if i'm grumpy but... I'm just trying to survive!!
Here I want to ask you not to be a 'small talk' victim!!
If someone starts a convo asking "What's up", you can reply:
1) - The ceiling (a classic --I couldn't help it!) or
2) - Start a cool convo! Reply talkin' about aliens, black holes, theory of relativity... anything cool/crazy/interesting! ...Let's make 'small talkers' feel lot of regret for asking! muahaha! >:D
Now you can share here your 'small talk' experiences if you want. Or just to tell anything you feel like! but please... don't start a small talk! ¬_¬
Thanks for reading.
Mary :D It supposed that they are happy for me and congratulate me that everything is well but now you make me think that I am a dog, thank you very much :P
P.S. The amount of money that I tell them that I take is more than I really take, hehehe :D. And this because I know they are gossipers and I don't like them to know things about me.
P.P.S. Thanks for offering your help, I will have it in my mind ;)
Dear Mary, I am just happy you are not going to claim against me for the sexual harassment because of my complimenting you! I have spent a few sleepless nights thinking about it! Hahaha!
And you are right, to be a star is much better than to get dim in its reflection! You are a true artist!
Danny, it's good to know that being atheistic gives me 'points' for being in your list of 'people who you like so you won't get mad at'. It's the first time I can get advantage of my non-believer conditon :D
I've seen stuff like the one you explain here in American movies: Someone who moves to a new neighborhood and the neighbors knocking at the door and greeting the new neighbor with cakes or cookies and sometimes mentioning the church stuff. For me it's kind of funny 'cause I'm living in a country with a more deep and old Catholic tradition, but here nobody really cares who goes or not to the church on Sunday, not even in small villages.
Btw I'm very flattered to read that I can inspire you, I really appreciate your nice words. But why to be the 'support band' when I can be the main star? :P :D
So you can stop playing the melodrama!
Thanks again for your comment ;)
Estanis, I also like that kind of greetings but that's more related to a good manners protocol than an 'annoying' trivial talk to 'fill' a silence :P
About your last 'question': Nope. But just 'cause I'm too lazy to talk. I wish I could communicate just with noises...
Thanks for dropping by! :)
Elen! They even ask you about money?? And cheer you as if you were a trained dog making a trick??? :/
Thanks for dropping by :)
Well, I have been many times in a friendly company where there weren't many things to say than "how is it going" "what's news" "what's up" and it was a little weird but some times small talks are a good start for interesting conversations. :P
What I feel really annoying and feel myself like victim is when neighbors see me in the street and ask me how I am, how it is going with my work and how much money I take. Then they are like, bravo Elen bravo, and they smile. Pff... gossipers...
Yeah... old classic hotel lifts music are missing hehe...
I don't mind being asked or greeted in entrance hall, street or elevators... I just consider it as a polite act and I'm free to go along with the person or not.
Anyway I don't wanna be the party pooper here :D
I wonder if you ever put into practice point two.
Dear Mary, thanks for your concern.
Well, I have been a rebel since my teenagehood. It is my true nature! I think such a rebel had never walked even the corridors of my university, before I showed up! Haahaha! I don't know how my colleagues bear me! I am not crabby, rather hot-tempered, but I can keep myself under control. However, I can't accept what I disagree with and don't miss an opportunity to say about that. But I am a good neighbor, I don't stick my nose into others' business and expect their behaving the same way. When I had just moved here from the big city, my neighbors immediately came to "greet" me. In fact, they needed some information to have something to gossip about later. It was on Saturday, it is important. Well, I introduced myself, said "thanks" but didn't let them in. I thought it was enough for them to leave me alone. But next day, on Sunday morning, they came again and invited me to join them for Sunday sermon. Being an atheist, I couldn't help answering something like this: "Why? My house is right by such a great river, the sea is only 10 minute drive from here. Why should I spend MY Sunday in YOUR stuffy church listening to YOUR boring preacher who doesn't believe in what he says!" Can you imagine the reaction?! Since then I have been labeled as a rebel and the enemy No1! Hahaha! But I don't care! When Tanya moved in with me, they tried to invite her to the church, but being a rebel and a confirmed atheist, she answered the same way. So, I have a great desire to establish a new traffic sign and to place in on my driveway:"Keep off! Atheists may bite!" Hahaha!
But don't worry! You can annoy me as much as you like and I will never come out of control because of a few reasons:
1. You are a lady.
2. You are an atheistic lady.
3. You are an atheistic lady who loves pets.
4. You are an objective straightforward lady who prefers to be herself instead of preteding to be someone different.
5. You are a lady I like! Despite your refuse from being my muse, you do inspire me every time I read your comments and blogs and if you don't accept it as a compliment, I will leave EC and the virtual space forever!
later I will tell my point of view on this topic, dear.. :P
moonlight, you're right, in a village you can find lot of 'small talkers'! I'm sorry for you :((
Thanks for dropping by!
Danny, first of all, I'm sorry for your loss. I knew you lost a friend but I didn't know it was just few months ago (I thought it happened long time ago)
Yes, you're right, this kind of situations are even worse in a small village/town. As you say, people usually don't give a damn and most of the time they just want to 'gossip' later and that pisses me off too.
I understand your anger in that situation, but I'd never have imagined you were the crubby or 'rebel' neighbor! I didn't know you had that 'bad temper' side, so it's good to know I shouldn't annoy you that much, haha...
Thanks for you comment and sharing your experience with us.
Wow, what a great topic and it is not a "small talk" at all! Living in a small American town I face this problem every day. Why do people think they have to say something to those they don't know at all? Going out in the morning, I have to "put on" a smile whatever I feel not to be asked "Anything wrong?" hundred times a day. Visiting a grocery, I am always asked by the grinning cashiers "How are you? How is your wfe? How are your pets?" as if they were really interested or concerned. They DON"T! But if I don't smile back, I will be immediately asked if something is wrong as if they really cared! They don't care at all! Then, why to ask?
I will never forget an episode when my best fried died in the car crash a few months ago. After his funeral, we all got drunk. The next morning I came out and met one of my neighbors who knew about that tragedy. He smiled at me and asked, "How are you all doing?" For you to know, it is how they speak English in the South states, he meant me. I felt so bad and I replied:"Look, I buried my last friend yesterday, I am on a heavy hangover and want to kill somebody. If you say one more word, you will be that one! But I am ALL doing fine!" and looked at him as if he had been my worst enemy. Since then, he just says "Hi" and tries to avoid coming across.
But I don't mind as everyone in my neighborhood consides to be a rebel and it is OK with me as they don't bother me any longer!
thanks for sharing this.