What's that?

I guess we should be more careful with such users. Where are all moderators? I bet you should block this user as it is a pure Internet cheating. Some people may believe, write an email and then lose their money, personal information, etc. Thank you for your attention. 

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  • Mishaikh, thanks. But the thing is that Internet cheating is flourishing these days. I wonder why. All people know about it. Is it just because we want to believe in miracles and princes/princesses?

  • Joe Essberger, when a person uses bad words and has a bad behavior - you can report him/her. If it smells cheating, it should be public. 

    Once I reported several members here and it was like sending e-mails to another Galaxy.

  • Glosky, Yep!

  • Ignoring is the only way to get rid of them.  That is what I experienced.

    Happy travelling Honey

  • Why didn't you just report the member instead of making a big song and dance about it?

  • let us all be careful of those whose intention is to inflict harm to innocent people. 


  • yes...i also had got her or his message...and immediately i asked dara.  mr. dara was in on line then...he told me it might be a fraud...so if we are confused about anything we can ask our friends too.

  • MA NO, so that's why I wrote about it.

    Mishaikh, I know. I bet there are people that are naive.

  • Hello Honey, its been a while I didn't see your posts :) She is just one of spammers that come up here time to time and mess around but you know that not only Mods but also regular members can report them while Mods are offline. Its not only Mods responsibility to keep this site safe and sane but also of all members who use this site for good. 

    Hello  Rose Iris, she is no longer online. I've just suspended her and reported as well. I am sure actions will be taken as soon as possible. 

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