My favorite season is the fall (autumn), the life in the autumn is sweeter than others seasons, we can say if there is season for the love it will be the autumn because it has a lot of romantic sceneries, that have direct influence on our emotion. My friends imagine, visualize the trees's leaves when it start falling, the rain when it has been raining, and the soft wafts when touch us. What is the feeling that you will have? They will give us life's extasy, the emotional feeling toward the others, to live in the peace inside our small village.. (the world)..and also we will learn from the birds how can we receive that season with beautiful tunes, and songs, during this season we can see the year...(the four seasons), and also the nature will show us another face from it's multi faces, when the weather is changing from summer's hot to semicold, semicloudy semiwindy... all of things will be semi, so if we stand to compare between the spring and the autumn from point of sceneries we will find the spring is better, but I still saying the autumn is autumn, and the life is life.............write now about your favorite season.
I like all seasons of the year. Every seasons have own pluses. In summer is very warm and sunny. In winter I like skating. In autumn best of all I like the period named “Indian summer”. It is a gold and warm autumn. Also I was born in autumn. But I like spring best of all. Everything breathes life!