Do you have a dream for the future?Do you live without any goal,ambition or dream?Do you think that if you don't have a dream you will be happy ?Do you work for realising your dreams?Or do you remain inactive?Is having a dream common for young only or for old too?Do you think that we must encourage children to dream?Do you think that you can achieve your goal through your dreams?Do you think that your dream should be connected to God ?I think that each of us has his own dream ....but,some people never work to realise their dreams and in the same time never feel happy till today because they don't know how to start.Others have a dream but didn't want to wrok hard to achieve it ..they want to reach to the top through different ways such as lottery and have a difficult life .Others work hard to achive thier dream and they are happy .Don't stop dreaming because if you do won't be happy.You have to be patient to reach for your goal.You have to be ambitious.Don't lose the hope.Life is not easy but you can reach to your dream.
YES dear KareninaNEVERRRRRR!! stop dreaming
U r right caz if we did we would die .
Wish ur dreams come true ameen .
Don't lose ur smile... and I bet u will chase the sun .
You know dearest now I stopped dreaming as if I owned everything or I left dreaming thinking that all my dreams are out of reach. But one dream and the only dream that can anyone wants is to be happy in my life with what I possess or the way I live, just to have peace of mind and accept my fate.
yes syed
absolutely that you are right ...i have called my son to read your words
he is 14 years old..because i want him to keep this lesson in his mind
thank you syed ..hope your dream come true soon inshallah
U r right caz if we did we would die .
Wish ur dreams come true ameen .
Don't lose ur smile... and I bet u will chase the sun .
thank u for ur nice participation
nice poem ...yes it is
will be happy if u add another poem anytime u like
It helps us to reach our goals and gives us motivation
absolutely that you are right ...i have called my son to read your words
he is 14 years old..because i want him to keep this lesson in his mind
thank you syed ..hope your dream come true soon inshallah