What I have learned ...

 After nine months of teaching every year ,and when my vacation starts,I always ask myself these questions:

What I have learned this year  and what this job has  added to my personality .

What  I  have to do more to motivate my students: to make them first like the language, and try to improve  in all its skills .


Every year I can notice two kinds of students :

Those who want just to pass the exam, and others who want to make along term progress .that means teachers should be familiar with the learning needs of the students .This can help the students to manage their own learning effectively .I think first of all the teacher should make the students interest in the lesson and like the language ,then we can start to supply them with the information.

Teaching a language is different from teaching any other subjects ,because we have to be aware of many topics that we have to teach " Science , history ,astronomy ,computer , literature ..and of course to include the grammatical points in each unit .

This is really a tough question,because I learn something new every time I step inside the classroom!

I learn alot about how students get the information and apply it ,and about the language and how we can simplify it to the students .

But the most important thing I have learned is to think and act confidently as a professional , and to be  able to see  things from a perspective of the learners and trying to meet their expectations and points of view.

This is the heart of education ,when the teacher asks the students to think and encourage them to talk and share and we can check their understanding and growth.

 What do you think ?...How can teachers help the students and the learners more ? And What is the main thing the teacher should do to keep the class active and to open the minds of the students to the best way of learing English language ?



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  • @Tawfeeq :

    I always believe that teachers are the most responsible members of society because their professional effort affects the mind and the new generation, and if we build the mind well with education and knowledge that means we contribute in leading the society to a better future . You know dear that the strongest weapon is the open mind and the well knowledge people , this is why all the educated people were the first target from any enemies ,If they destroy the education  and the great minds  ...that means they win the war ..it's the war of advance and technology these days ...

    I think if someone loves his job ,he can  be creative and active all the time .

    Dear Tawfeeq , I'm so happy to see your comment,I always respect and appreciate your words ,you can see the deep and the core in everything . Thank you so much .


  • I have great admiration for teacher’ profession . because he has worked sincerely to put his students on right track . teachers are no more than the candles that have melted down for their students quietly and selflessly . so I dreamt to be a teacher . are you read hussian’s blog “the old man and me”? this blog reflects me in all its aspects.
    A man joined College of Arts for the first time ,he was fully aware that his journey would be long and hard .he overcame all the difficulties and obstacles that might face him steadily and patiently . He managed to do it ever since .but when he stood just a few steps from the moment of truth , he could not be a teacher for many private reasons. this is my story.

    if I depict EC as a big school and myself as one of its students , so what most important thing I have learned from Hala as a teacher in my EC since I have met her (for almost one year)?
    I always debate with here about many things , literature, grammar . and many social problems . I have learnt so much from her respectable conceptions in all of those.
    I always note her right attitude , and I have admired One of most important Hala’s merit it, is her modesty . I think it is a very admirable feature in human being.
    I read in a book these lines , which portrait the modesty of its writer
    “ I can’t believe you boys actually wasted good trees to print this trash” Tom Anderson to Beavis and Butt- head(1994). Good trees means your good pens .trash means his lectures.
    Modesty is a common feature of great men and women .
    At last thank you for your nice blog .

  • @Ymn:

    Making the class alive and active is the hardest task for teachers .If we create the suitable teaching environment ,we will reach our goals from the lesson .

    The story about your teacher is really nice ,it's so important to use the students'imagination to pay their attention and inspire them with new ideas .

    Thanks alot Ymn for your precious comment dear :)

  • @Zulkifli:

    It's not an easy job ..you know that, because you taught English in the past and you know how important to keep the class active and far from boredom,beside we have to face unexpected questions anytime , so self-confidence is the key here as I said in the blog ,to think and act confidently ...

    I tried to use some games in my classes , but I think this way can be more affective when teaching children ,but for adults ,with large number in each class and a restricted time to finish the course ...it's somehow difficult , but we need it as a change from time to time .

    Thank you so much for your comment and sharing your ideas about your conversation club in Jakarta . I always respect and appreciate your words :)

  •  think students need to have extraordinary classes with lots of activities and games. Presenting of lessons should be in a different way to attract Ss' attention.

    I remembered my reading teacher in the Uni. started the lesson which it was about skimming reading by presenting herself as a creature who came from the space. That creature wondered how human can read since he( the creature) just put the book on his head and all information transformed to his mind. =D That was a cool beginning for presenting types of reading.

    I still remember that day and her way of attracting our attentions. =))

    Dear Hala, I like your blog and your way in presenting the ideas. Keep it up. =))

  • @ Expector Smith :

    Believe me Doctor ,the training courses can help but not necessary ,it's more about theories  and not  practice .Inside the class and infront of a large number of students ,everything is different . If you love your job and try to improve your teaching style according to the needs of your student  ,you will be a perfect teacher.

    I know well how much you like teaching ...why ?? Because your first comment on my first blog here was:" I wish I were a teacher " and I wish you can practice teaching one day ,doctor. I think you will be a great teacher .

    Thank you for reading my blog .:)

  •  Great blog Hala!

    This is my point of view as a learner.

    I did a little bit of teaching of English several decades ago, and I didn't like it because the students either got bored of my teaching of grammar and vocab or they asked difficult questions I couldn't answer. However, my English was improving because of the preparations I did before teachings. Now I found out at an English Conversation Club in Jakarta some members taught us English through games. Some games looked silly like shaking your body when the instructor said something, or nodding your head when he said something else and at other time you had to crawl under your chair etc, but to my surprise we all enjoyed it.

    Another good thing I observed was group discussions like people did in leadership trainings. We were divided into small groups of 5 to 8 people. Each group was given a different case to solve and then present it in front of the class. This thing also made us enthusiastic because without being aware we were led into a situation where we felt like we were working at a foreign company, it set our brain to think in English.

    I hope anybody who learn English like I did will enjoy as much as I experienced in that club!

    All the best for you Hala!

  • I was wondering if it's possible for me to teach English when I retire as a doctor. Maybe I need some training in teaching.

  • @faris: Thank you for sharing your comments and encouragement .I always appreciate your words and I know well how great and active teacher you are too ,you don't stop improving and developing your teaching methods .

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