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  • some sleep = refresh

  • I will take a rest

  • Thank you all for sharing your ideas.

    And about me:

    physically tired: going to sleep and taking a shower.

    Mentally tired: listening to music and reading poems.

    And also for both of them if I see my cute three year old cousin I will feel extremely refreshed....;) ^_^ 

  • I will relax in case of both type of hackneyed.

  • physically tired -- having some sleep.

    mentally tired -- listening to songs and acting like i dont care and pretend im the only person on earth.

  • Stop doing whatever mundane things that you're doing for a while and try to do something new, something interesting. 

  • Just go to sleep , hahaha .

    try to relax .

  • Physically tired= rest (sleep) 

    Mentally tired= probably try to take some holidays and give time to myself!

  • I take some space!

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