What Blood Type are you (or what’s your blood type?)?
Personality Characteristics
Nomenclature in Europe and former USSR
In parts of Europe the "O" in ABO blood type is substituted with "0" (zero), signifying the lack of A or B antigen. In the former USSR blood types are referenced using numbers and Roman numerals instead of letters. It designates the blood types of humans as I, II, III, and IV, which are elsewhere designated, respectively, as O, A, B, and AB.
Type O/Type I (The Warrior type)
Positives: Loyal, Leadership, Passionate, Trend-setter, Self-confident, IndependentNegatives: Over-ambitious, Vain, JealousThe famous ‘O’s: John Lennon, Queen Elizabeth II, Elvis Presley and Paul Newman• Are usually the "cheerleader" of the group;•Tend to be more followers than leaders, accepting whatever the plan is and going alone with it without protest;• Very generous and kind hearted;• Generally well-liked by most people;• Very flexible, and adapt easily to change;• They are easily influenced by others, as well as perceived authorities, such as television personalities;•Generally trustworthy, but can sometimes make mistakes due to lapses of focus.Type A/Type II (The Farmer type)
Positives: Patient, Calm, Sensitive, ResponsibleNegatives: Stubborn, Over-cautious, RestlessThe famous ‘A’s: George Bush Senior, Adolf Hitler, Britney Spears and Ringo Starr• Presence of mind, serious, patient, calm & cool;• Coherent character, can be relied on & trusted, but stubborn;• Plan everything out beforehand, and carry out tasks with seriousness and consistency;• Try to be fair and find the ideal outcome to any situation;• Tend to keep themselves separate from others, especially those who don't share their opinions;• Tend to try and keep their emotions and thoughts hidden from others, and share them only when comfortableType B/Type III (The Hunter type)
Positives: Individualist, Strong, Optimistic, Creative, FlexibleNegatives: Rebellious, Wild, UnpredictableThe famous ‘B’s: Paul McCartney, Akira Kurosawa, Leonardo Di Caprio and Jack Nicholson• Tend to be exceedingly curious about everything;• Are easily vexed and grow exasperated if things don't go the way they want them to go;• Usually have a strong drive to be the best at whatever they set their mind to doing; however, they also tend to neglect other tasks for the sake of whatever they are focusing on;• Have a hard time multi-tasking;• Tend to be loners, and keep themselves isolated from others;Type AB/Type IV (The Humanist type)
Positives: Controlled, Rational, Popular, SociableNegatives: Standoffish, Critical, IndecisiveThe famous ‘AB’s: John F Kennedy, Mick Jaggar, Marilyn Monroe and Jackie Chan• Usually gentle and emotionally sensitive;• Are very empathetic and careful when dealing with other people, taking care to consider the other point of view;• Easily become lost in thought;• Are sometimes looked at as having 2 personalities, because they tend to keep their true selves hidden from strangers;• They have many friends, but also require time alone.With whom are you compatible?Type A with A and ABType B with B and ABType AB with A, B, AB and OType O with O and ABFollowing the concept is entirely a personal choice. However, it doesn’t take much to know your blood type, does it?For your references, the concept of relating blood type and personality comes mostly or mainly from the Korean & Japanese cultures (originally from Japan, I think), which are of the belief that a person's blood type has a marked influence on his/her personality type, his/her general disposition and his/her rapport with others. Generally speaking, this concept is based on Biostatistics (Statistics in biological science) in theory with some common sense. Although it’s without specific basis in scientific theory and dismissed by members of the scientific community, popular belief subscribes most wholeheartedly to this concept. In the current scenario, personality tests as per blood type, often forms the basis of compatibility quizzes, while the theory is reviewed indulgently by most. On this basis, there are certain predictions that you can make on the basis of blood type, along the same lines as a sun sign places you under a set of certain characteristic traits in the West; for instance, chances are you're moody, sensitive and shy. Perhaps the statistic figures of East & West can be different but I think the basic principles are similar from each other in understanding, hence, this concept has been lately adopted in the West more and more, and naturally people have been talking about it for years. As I had been brought up in Korea (East) and I have been living in UK (West) for many years almost equally, I used to hear the question “What is your blood type” in East, similarly as common as “What is your sign?” in the West.As we all know now, there are four basic types of blood—A, B, AB, and O—each with a positive and negative sub-type. O positive is the most common type and AB negative is the least common, but we can distinguish our personalities & characters basically into twofold; INTROVERT & EXTRAVERT (DIRECTNESS OR INDIRECTNESS, FORWARD OR BACKWARD AND SUBJECTIVE OR OBJECTIVE). In fact everybody has both characters but we say this person is more like an extravert as it objectively appears to that person more with the directness, or vice versa.I hope you would have enjoyed in this subject of Blood Types & Personalities with some curiosity & interest.Please leave a comment with your blood type & brief description of your own personality in general, if you don’t mind.
Hi, Aneta!
Yeah, you are right. Every each person has got a very different personality. This is only based on the statistic figures, and through these figures we just compare ours with others, as there is no an absolute value for this. I don't believe this either, as it's only for a fun.
Anyway, thanks for for your honest opinion & comment!
Actually I don't believe in it. I think every person is different and we cannot generalise people. In Chinese Horoscope I'm Monkey and not all of the statements written there are true about me.;-)
If people want to believe in that such a think ... I don't mind.
Honestly speaking, this is not a sign to believe or not but this gives you a certain challenge in comparison with the people who had a very same blood type, and also through the statistic figures these people have had those personalities, so you might have a similar characters but you haven't realized yet or you may change into the similar characters. So you never know, but if you can, then why not? Hahaha! Anyway, thanks for your comments, very interesting points you made!
Hi, Lamiye!
It's good to see you here again..... long time no see!
You are the Warrior type, hahaha..... so have you found out your characters which you didn't know yourself before..... actually some people say it's quite true & accurate but some others say not really. It's only based on the statistic figures which calculated a while ago, so possibly the latest figures may change the percentage or may be the very same. However, at least we can see something comparing ours with other's opinions.
Hi James.Oh it is very good and very interesting.Thanks.
and my blood type is 1+ and want to know about myself.
Long time no see! It's good to see you here again, and I am glad you've found this blog interesting. I just wonder why you like 'O' and 'AB'.
Thanks for your comment anyway! Take care!
Really intresting and cognitive and what is the most amazing is that its seems to be true!!! I mean almost all qualities are about me))) Im O type and need to ask my boufriend about his sign)))hope he is O or AB!
Are you Joyce's friend & working together in Brazil, as you both are English teachers? And what a coincidence that you both & your husband all have the same blood type! It looks like all Brazilian peoples with the blood type O+, doesn't it? Hahaha!
Thanks for your comment!
An estimated 44 percent of the US population has Type O blood… with 7 percent having Type O Negative, the “universal donor” type… Because it is the most frequently transfused type, Type O donors are always needed. This only shows the statistic figure in general by one country but it actually tells the similar statistic figure of the whole world populations too.
Thanks for stepping in & commenting, anyway!
My blood type is O+... I've found some of those characteristics in myself! Nice post! =)