Hello little EC birds!
Have you ever felt like a stranger?
I guess the answer is: "yeah, sure!", because we all have been newcomers on any occasion: The 1st day at primary/secondary school, college, work… Do you remember now the feeling of not knowing anybody around you, and how nice and important was any small gesture of kindness, any friendly greeting or any nice smile towards you?
Sometimes a nice gesture that for you means nothing can be very important and appreciated by others who you don't even know… But it isn't great to know that it takes so few effort and time to make someone's day more nice just saying a joyful "Hello there!"
Okay so this is my purpose for whatever nice EC members who would like to follow me in this 'eccentric' mission that I've called: "The EC Month for Welcoming an EC Newcomer!" (I've unilaterally decided that this will be the month for that, because my Queendom, my rules!)
The only thing you've to do is TO WELCOME A NEW MEMBER OF EC!
BUT... WHY???!!!
Because is nice to be nice!!! What else?! You can make someone to smile just doing that nice gesture (remember you also smiled the first time you got some feedback here, and it was a nice feeling, right?). I've seen many new members feeling super lost around here, not knowing what to say/to do or how to break the ice. If you're an outgoing and talkative person, is going to be easy for you to fit in, in no time. But there are a lot of people who are more shy and they don't even dare to say anything because of the insecurity with their language's skills. And I think that's also the reason why most of the newcomers here don't become more active, or they even leave the site because they don't know how to break that ice... But at least you can help them to feel more comfortable just welcoming them! (so they will think: 'Oh! How nice are people here!' -So that will motivate them to give it a good try)
Step 1: Go to 'MyEC' and click on 'View all' (the little square dedicated to 'Members', right at the top left)
Step 2: Check the 'Recently Added' members and click on any profile you like.
Step 3: You'll see the latest activity of his/her profile, the post that EC sends atomatically when a new profile is created, and there you are suggested to welcome that person (because the spirit of this site is to help each other, even if it's just being nice!)
So.. what are you waiting for?? Click there and send a nice message… or just a wide smile. That person will see your message and I'm sure he/she will smile back :)
Isn't it easy and nice?! ^_^
Thanks for reading,
Have a lovely weekend!
Note to whoever wants to read this note: I do this just because I feel like, because I like to be randomly nice (sometimes), and because I think it's cool that EC remains being a free learning site, and right now there are very few good free sites for learning languages... So I want to suport this.
But the same as cats do: They can gently caress its cute head against you, but at the same time, they can also scratch you if they don't like something you do. This means that I'm not an EC ass kisser, just in case...
meow :3
Anyway, don't you think that calling 'little bird' to a newbie by a cat could be... Hmmm...at least weird?
Btw, Undoubtedly you have feline genes.
Thank you dear setareh! ^_^
Cinoreeta, Ok, don't lose it again then!
Expector, Cool! Welcome aboard! :)
How cool are you?! I'd tell you: FROM THE INFINITE AND BEYOND!!! :D
I'm flattered for the way you think about me, but I'm afraid I don't have so much confidence myself as you said... at least not in my work or my daily life. But it's easy to be outgoing here since I've been already some years in this site and people around here make things very easy. That's why I think it would be nice to make it easy to some newcomers as well :)
I'm happy to know that you'll join in my 'welcoming' mission haha... I thought nobody would!
It's not whether I care or not if someone question my intentions, but it's just that I like to remark that I'm 'Independent'... you see? I've my complexes too, I'm not that self confident :D
OH!! It's SO COOL that you decided to write that blog post! Yes, do it please! You know I love to read from you ^_^
Thank you very much for everything Eva; as I told you some time, you also inspire me to 'spread' positive messages, instead of just being around saying silly stuff. Thanks :)
Hey Mr. Stranger, I thought you just felt Stranger 'in the night' haha
Thanks for dropping by! :)
Have you ever felt like a stranger? ---> I am feeling like stranger everyday:)
p.s. I love you well done, citizen of the world
Good idea!
Yes, we should find time to help newbies to get familiar with MyEC. Let's give it a try!
haha I know Kholoud!
I saw you were having troubles trying to chat here... I sent you a private chat message so there you could see how.... but I'm not sure if you got it :D
Anyway, welcome here.
Have fun learning! :)
I'm new member and really i feel lost :D