What especially fascinates me in English, it is those short phrases of rhyming words, like "from zero to hero". I have decided to make a collection of them with the help of EC members. Here are the ones that I know:
1. Rumour with humour
2. As you sow you shall mow
3.Zip your lip
My dear friends, you are welcome with your contributions!!
A good one, Stranger.:))
maybe yes, maybe no, maybe rain, maybe snow:)
eye in the sky
fun in the sun
thank you
:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) How could I forget it?!!!!! Barbare, thanks for reminding me!!
Jeson, great expressions, looks like you made up some of them yourself !:)))))))))))) Kidding:)))))))))))))))) Thanks a lot.
Wow, Maya, what a handsome contribution to my collection! Thank you! I especially like "shop till you drop":)))))))))))))))))))))))
Estanis and Lady Anne, your sayings are fun but they aren't rhymes, sorry.
You're so fine. I wish you were mine
Shut your lip, potato chip!
see you later alligator
bye bye butterfly
What's the deal, banana peal?
Looking Clean, jellybean
eager beaver