Try to make your blog readable

I'm so pleased to see that more and more members here have started to write and publish blogs. I really enjoyed reading most of them. But I'm afraid to say some of the blogs are not so readable, which means they are not so easy or enjoyable to read. 

Now that you've got such a wide vocabulary and have learned all of the grammar basics, you can write something wonderful for other members to read. Here're some tips for you:

Don't use the words which are hard to understand

Try to use the words which are easy to read and understand. Keep in mind you're not trying to show how wide a vocabulary you've got. You should try to express yourself clearly. It's not usually recommended to use so many adjectives or adverbs or modifiers or unfamiliar words in your writing unless you're trying to write a "challenge blog" in which you're encouraged to use as many such words as possible. 

Be careful with the format

Never write something all in capitals. I HOPE YOU CAN GET IT. You shouldn't try to write in different colours, especially in red. Don't try to highlight so many words in bold, either

Try to learn how to paragraph your blog

It's not a good idea to have a large block of text. Try to avoid long paragraphs - several short paragraphs will read better than a long one. 

Don't try to write something too long

Make it shorter. Be aware that it takes time to read something which is so long or complicated. It's no fun if no one wants to read what you write - anyway, you should try to encourage others to read your writing. 

Always try to punctuate your sentences

It's hard to imagine a paragraph without any punctuation in it. Your readers need the space or pause.

So, bear those in mind and write such a nice blog.  I'd welcome any feedback on this blog!  

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  • @Amal

    Nice comment! I hope to read your blog soon - try to write one.

  • Great tips to a creative writing...Thanks Expector smith for sharing such a useful blog.
  • Thanks, I will remember.

  • @afro

    Sometimes you need to proofread a blog more than once before you publish it. And, you may need to read and reedit the blog again and again after you've published it.  You'll learn more by doing that.


  • @afro

    Sometimes you need to proofread a blog more than once before you publish it. And, you may need to read and reedit the blog again and again after you've published it.  You'll learn more by doing that.


  • I have to do proofreading but I always feel an urge to post it just after's a bad habit, I know.

  • @Paras

    I'm glad you think it's so useful for your writing. Thanks.

  • Thanks Doc!  That was a great relief! (Sigh)

  • @Anele

    Thanks for the nice comment. Colorful blogs can be so enjoyable, but can also be so distracting. The key is that you should try to make them readable or reader-friendly. 

    I love reading both your blogs and comments  - you've made them so readable. Thanks for the fun. 

    Keep it up!

  • Doc, you made me feel guilty, hahaha!  I always put background designs or background pictures to my blogs.  I like colorful blogs, just like an infogram as evidenced by my previous blogs.  Oh, I never know that they will be a sore to our readers' eyes.

    I think I wrote long blogs, too.  My comments are long also, hehehe!  (Sometimes, they are longer than the blogs, oh my!)  What a shame!

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