
To express my appreciation to the words written by Mr. Wilfred Peterson, I am publishing his written work herewith below.
Hope you like it.


Keys to a Happy Journey.

Travel lightly. You are not travelling for people to see you!

Travel slowly.

Travel expectantly. Every place is like a surprise package.

Travel hopefully.

Travel humbly. Respect traditions and way of life.

Travel courteously.

Travel gratefully.

Travel with an open mind.

Travel with curiosity.

Travel with imagination.

Travel fearlessly.

Travel relaxed.

Travel patiently. It takes time to understand others.

Travel with the spirit of a world citizen. You'll discover that people are basically much the same the world around. Be an ambassador of goodwill to all people.

by: Wilfred Peterson.


Dear friends,
We are all travellers in this life's journey.
Enjoy your life.

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  • The journey of a thousand miles

    begins with just one step.

    -Chinese Proverb-

  • Hello Anele,
    Don't worry your grammar is flawless! ^_^
    Search for the rainbow of life and get the treasure at the end. :)))
    Good luck on your life's journey Anele.
    Thank you for dropping by.
  • Dear Najwa,
    I'm happy to meet you here!

  • Dear Ruzan,

    Thanks for agreeing with me. I know you understand more because you've travelled a lot I'm quite sure. I appreciate your reply Ruzan very much.
    Ruzan, thanks.
    Have a nice day!
  • Hi Lynne.Thanks for this post.It's really interesting and profound.You are right "We are all travellers in this life's journey" and it doesn't matter from where we are came and where we should go.We are all human beings and we should have "the spirit of a world citizen".

    "There is a small area of land that is called Armenia, but it is not so. It is not Armenia.
    It is a place. There are only Armenians, and they inhabit the earth, not Armenia, since there is no Armenia.
    There is no America and there is no England, and no France, and no Italy. There is only the earth."-William Saroyan
  • Very well said Ameur. Thank you.
  • thanks to you too, very good topic lynne, have a good day.
  • Nice comment Ameur. I appreciate that really.
    Thanks a lot.
  • yes true, life it is not a fantasy movie .. is a reality and we who make this fact...reality, which can be painful, sad or happy...But unfortunately, the happiness of others ,if you wish to call it happiness always be at the expense of others grief.(i think)
  • Yes Ameur you're very right... but acting in this theatre is not so easy. It breaks ones heart if one acted in a wrong way... sometimes we were left unaware... where we did go wrong. :-(
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