TIME EXPRESSIONS.................

................... TIME EXPRESSIONS.........................ENGLISHONUSAGEdays of the weekEXAMPLEon MondayENGLISHINUSAGEmonths / seasonstime of dayyearafter a certain period of time (when?)EXAMPLEin August / in winterin the morningin 2006in an hourENGLISHATUSAGEfor nightfor weekenda certain point of time (when?)EXAMPLEat nightat the weekenedat half past nineENGLISHSINCEUSAGEfrom a certain point of time (past till now)EXAMPLEsince 1980ENGLISHFORUSAGEover a certain period of time (past till now)EXAMPLEfor 2 yearsENGLISHAGOUSAGEa certain time in the pasTEXAMPLE2 years agoENGLISHBEFOREUSAGEearlier than a certain point of timeEXAMPLEbefore 2004ENGLISHTOUSAGEtelling the timeEXAMPLEten to six (5:50)ENGLISHPASTUSAGEtelling the timeEXAMPLEten past six (6:10)ENGLISHTO / TILL / UNTILUSAGEmarking the beginning and end of a period of timeEXAMPLEfrom Monday to/till FridayENGLISHTILL / UNTILUSAGEin the sense of how long something is going to lastEXAMPLEHe is on holiday until Friday.ENGLISHBYUSAGEin the sense of at the latestup to a certain timeEXAMPLEBy 11 o'clock, I had read five pages.I will be back by 6 o’clock......................... end.................i hope you learn something from it.have a good day, take care and " HAPPY STUDIES'
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