Three Excellent Books

To help you improve your English, you couldn't ask for three better books than these:Our Marvelous Native Tongue: The Life and Times of the English Languageby Robert Claiborne"Claiborne pulls from an impressively broad range of sources to supply his account. From literature, we see how Chaucer, Shakespeare, Johnson, Webster, and other titanic literary figures revolutionized our tongue. From history, we see how the Norman invasion of England nourished the language. From politics, we see how the English Revolution made English the tongue of the free." Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Wayby Bill Bryson"Bryson displays an encyclopedic knowledge of his topic, and this inevitably encourages a light tone; the more you know about a subject, the more absurd it becomes. No jokes are necessary, the facts do well enough by themselves, and Bryson supplies tens per page. As well as tossing off gems of fractured English (from a Japanese eraser: "This product will self-destruct in Mother Earth."), Bryson frequently takes time to compare the idiosyncratic tongue with other languages. Not only does this give a laugh (one word: Welsh), and always shed considerable light, it also makes the reader feel fortunate to speak English." a more technical perspective::Linguistics and Your Languageby Robert A. Hall, Jr."For the first time in a book intended for the general reader, the science of linguistics and its results are brought to bear on everyday problems of language: Correctness, spelling, foreign language study, international languages, linguistic nationalism"On a personal note, this was the book that first got me interested in Linguistics, when I was a teenager, course, if you have any questions , please feel free to ask.I do not represent or work for Amazon. You can get these books from many sources, maybe even a library.
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