Dear MyEC members.

The following sentences are not only my participation on the test but also my sincere belief.
I wanted not only take part in Onee-chan's challenge but also use the grammar rules correctly.

Women are not only wives, daughters and mothers, but also personalities and single individuals.

Women should not only think about their appearance but also cultivate their mental education.

Men should not only ask for being served but also help themselves.

Children should not only learn but also play.

We should not only complain about everything but also do something to make it better.

We all should not only tell the people what they did wrong but also help them to do better.

Not only a balanced diet but also adequate movement is the key to a healthy life.

I hope there are not too many mistakes in my writing.

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Rose Iris

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  • Thank you, Adaline Bala.

  • Lovely sentences dear Rose!

    Well Done!

  • Thanks, SNR and Grace for liking my blog.

  • Thank you, Evangelina, I am happy when people understand my writing and the sense of what I wanted to say.

    You are right. I believe everything I mentioned. I try the best to correspondent to my expectation myself.
    I think before we expect something from others, we should ask whether we fulfill them by ourselves.

  • Rose,

    I really like your this post, those are wise words and give an impression of a person who is confidently resting in her self. I have a very strong impression that you actually strongly believe and live by those values.

    It is very admirable, thumbs up from here. Also I agree with them.

    So happy to see you participate and even more to see a post from you :)

  • Thanks, Ella for stopping by and reading.

  • Mishaikh, I thank you so much for commenting my contribution to Onee-chan's offer to practice English grammar. It is always my intention, not only to do the task but also to express my mind.

    Your comments on my blogs are always sincerely appreciated.

  • Beth, thanks for reading my blog and for liking my life attitude.

    Diah, hahaha, I am not that wise woman. I only have common sense. Thanks a lot for your nice words. 

  • Dear Onee-chan, thanks for stopping by, reading and commenting my blog.

    Hahaha, I know, we should move us more than we really do ... sometimes, we are just too lazy and we look for excuses.

    Thanks for your advice, as you can see, I have changed the title.

  • Dear Rose,

    I hope you don't mind if I request for editing the title. Short title is much better. 

    This is in response to Onee's Blog Challenge ---Not Only....But Also

    So many thanks. ^^

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