Nowadays, the foundation of our faith is being tested in so many ways. Many devilish things aroused to capture our original sense of being in order to transform it into evil ones. Even to the holiest souls of an ordinary human being, this actually happens. No matter how much effort we put into eliminating the possibility of acquiring evil thoughts and committing evil acts will not actually do for the devil is wise enough to disguise in good forms alluring people to change from good to bad. Thus, not all of us may come to notice this and perhaps, some people just don`t want to put this in their minds and plant this in their hearts - they'd probably choose evil rather than good. If all of you would just allow your heart to do what it longs to... you`ll never go astray from God.Let yourself be aware that we are almost at the brink of destruction and only the Creator of mankind can save us. It is not too late for us to change the decisions that we`ve made and things that we`ve done. We must not be blind for what the reality is letting us to see and let us not be deaf for what the calling speaks...Have you ever wonder why you exist in this world? If no, most likely you`d think that this world is a damn living hell which lets your suffering. If yes, what actions have you taken in order to live the reason of your existence and to show you are worthy of His love?We should be the ones to lead the fight! Let us not fear, instead... let us have more faith in Him. Let us rebuild what we have in our hearts of what connects all of us from the beginning of our existence - the bond which bounded us to be friends, to be brothers and sisters, to be one family united in His name, let us restore all things in Christ!This Christmas and for the remaining days in your life, He leaves the decision in your hands unto what way will you be going through - The Path of Light, which allows you to suffer here on Earth and have everlasting happiness on His paradise? ...or The Path of Darkness, which assures you the comforts of the flesh and guarantees your suffering in the world of damned souls?Make sure to choose the right choice!~created last Dec. 20, 2009 at around 7 p.m.