the most dangerous predator







i like this animal despite it is a huge and formidable between all of predator , but i like it this is the king

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  • thank you Tanya for this video its' so impressive  i agree with you the lion is very lazy but when conflicts in battle especially hyena he always wins against competitors even if he fights a clan of hyenas unlike lioness moreover it could kill a huge prey whatever its size except elephant it must work with lionesses as a team surprisingly,  i have ever watch video he climbs the tree and eats its prey on it but he isn't better climber than leopard  i so happy because you are sharing withme from  time through time i almost forget i've got english translating i'm lucky  maybe you will one day need that this website www.subscene.comhave a good day!

  • Dear Alhgag! I believe you don't mind my replying to your blog.

    I love all animals. I usually have a few pets and I can't imagine my life without them or nature in general. I have always felt a part of nature. Lions are social animals proud of their strength and power, ability to keep savanna under control. However, their relations inside a pride or among different prides are not easy like in the human society. Lions are kings of savanna, no doubts, but males are too lazy to hunt. Only lionesses get food for all pride but eat the last and what is left! Most of cats are that way but lions are the worst! Lions are bad "husbands" and "fathers" contrary to many other animals that are monogamous and raise cubs together until they become adult. Young single lions that are not members of any pride but want to create their own, act like conquerors: they find a pride with many young lionesses, kill all cubs and drive "local" male lions out of the pride. The strangest thing is that owners (mature lions) of that harem surrender without almost any fight. That is what I don't like about lions.

    On the other hand, they are just cats whom I love very much. They are cunning and smart, nimble and strong, confident and people loving  if they live (or ever lived) with them.

    To summarize, I'd like to say that lions are dangerous predators, it is a fact. However, according to one of the best dictionaries "A PREDATOR is a creature that kills individuals of the same with it class and eats them" and I am sure that this definition is out of the question. As a matter of fact, most of predators don't kill or eat individuals of the same with them species.

    Well, lions are mammals like we are. They are upper social animals and we can find many common in the behavior of a lion pride and  human society. But neither lions nor other alive creatures kill because of policy, money, power or just misunderstanding.  They kill to survive or to prolong their generation or to protect their family. Only people are able to kill each other without any natural reasons. We kill other people, animals, nature and as a result, we kill ourselves because we are a part of nature. So, it is my understanding, that lions are just predator babies in comparison with us. People are the wildest, senseless and violent predators!

  • yeah , i usually watch many videos on the Youtube this is my favorite website i'v got many videos from it . it's kind of you to share me 
    have a nice day!
  • thank's Ramona for your share.
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