You do not come across success just by hoping for it. To achieve true success, you need the strength of mind and body to struggle and work hard to reach your fullest potential. You need the right attitude, self-discipline and the ability to put your goal before your own needs, if you are really driven towards reaching success. There is, after all no substitute for hard work, and as Henry Ford says, “The harder you work, the luckier you get” – the more successful you get!
A truly successful man will keep trying and keep struggling until he perfects his art. The good thing about working hard is, that for people who are driven towards their goal can enjoy their hard work and consequently,you need to remember that there are no short cuts to success. Hard work, complimented with an intense desire to struggle and to achieve success is the only sure shot way of reaching success that you have always wanted.
Nice words and encouraging sayings really. In this life we have to be hopeful all the time and if we faill for sometimes this is not the end of life and we have to work harder and harder. In addition we must not forget that faliure is the path of success and the beginning of supervision.
Thanks Adnan
Good Luck
Thank You for interesting mail! Yes, you right, success consist in hard work! I have personal knowledge of it! The last year at school was really crucial for me, i had been working hard in order to enter to university, and the result is ... success! i got gold medal! it is not a boasting)) just bright example.
Yes, indeed friend there is no hard work failing at the end, when we work hard we have results at least the feeling of satisfaction and self confidence : that is what our profet peace up on him said" If you do a work do it correctly"
Thank you.
It very Excellent blog and useful as well.
Keep on this rate.
I like this blog and please you keep maintaining this blog. I will support you,
Thanks Adnan
Good Luck
yes, the higher the tree the stronger the wind blow
Thank you.