I'm happy not happiness its surprise yes I'm surprised not exactly, I'm astonished kind of

oooooooh I can't express my felling its positive any way on contrary yesterday.

But the most important Q is why, WHY? You don't know its because of you, yes all of you my friends who encouraged me to begin you are the motive that I've been searched for, my motive to dust my self off.

Today I put a plan for the current month some books to study , from the shelf i thought i wont reach ever without someone forced me to. Or pay!

Thanks from the deepest point in my mind really thank you; InShaaAllah I'll fulfill my commitment and will feed you with my monthly results.

Please be here for me, cause I need all of you.

Thanks for being my friends.

Appreciate your taking time.



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  • Have a good progress of your studying.
  • wishing you a good luck!
  • I wish you success in learning, Heba!!! Do not forget to share with us your results :))
  • Dear Heba, I'm really happy that you started your studying! You should also motivate us. We all need each other! Take care,
  • Good luck, Heba!
  • Well-done Heba!

    It's a good step into success, paint your plan, depict your way and your aims, then struggle to achieve them however the obstacles and barries are, do your best and God never leaves you :)

    We are here to uphold you with what God grants us from energy, and this is the purpose of MyEC; help students to enhance their tongue and English by several stratigies and methods, So single out what you tend to, therefore start working.

    Don't forget we support you!! look after yourself:)

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