Some are black and some are white,
Some are wrong and some are right,
Some get rich and some stay poor,
Some make peace and some make war.
Some are yellow, some are brown,
Some are up and some are down,
Some go far, some fall behind,
Some are mean and some are kind.
Some are reds and some are greens,
Some stay quiet, some make scenes,
Some say yes and some say no,
Some will tell you where to go.
But underneath our different skin,
The same heart beats, deep within.
For brothers, sisters all are we,
Meant to live in harmony
By Michael Roy
I do not agree with the fact that "we think we should so something so big to bring, peace and love in the world" Every single little things done with an open heart for others is the first step for a better world. Unfortunately, there are still many people for who "those little things " are still too much to do. A few minutes ago i was following the main chat (without writting) and a woman there, wrote she didn't really care about thinking of others.... that her main goal was to focuss on herself. I fell sad for her....
Thank you for your comment and interest to my blog. Most of us are dreaming of such a world, where color of skin, religion, culture differences and money wouldn't not be a problem . Is it called "utopia' ? I do not believe so, but there is still a long way to go before we can live in a world where all people are considerated as equal. It's so sad !
Thank you for your interest for my blog and for your comments. It gives a nice feeling to know that other EC members appreciate what i wrote there.
Have all a wonderful day.
A great blog,it even gives experience to beginners,as it is easy to understand.
beauty is created from something different, that's life and love. thanks!