
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I like this holiday in the US. One of the reasons is that it is celebrated by most people the same: get together with family and/or friends, eat turkey or and/or other autumn harvest foods (e.g. squash, potatoes, cranberries, brussel sprouts) and luscious desserts. In this way, it's "safe" to wish everyone "Thanksgiving!" when out and about. At the store, at work, at my kids' school I can exchange this wish with everyone equally. At Christmastime, it's tough. Because it is a religious holiday and there are other holidays around the same time that people with different ethnic and religious beliefs celebrate. My family honors a few different traditions at Christmas time, and Christmas is one of them. I like to wish people happy holidays, but I don't want to offend anyone in the process.I love the diversity in this country. I love that we have friends with whom we can share Hanukka, Solstice, Festivus, Christmas and Kwanza. My experience is so enriched by the numerous cultures and traditions that exist around me.But for this one day in November, it's also nice to feel part of a group celebrating in the same way. We have so much to be thankful for, even in these challenging times.Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
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  • Dear Nida,
    You are right about the origins of Thanksgiving. There are harvest feasts in many cultures and the fourth Thursday in November is when we Americans celebrate ours. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the pilgrims and the native American's.
  • Wonderful blog Lois Scott-Conley!

    I read somewhere that American celebrate Thanksgiving because native Americans helped those who migrated to their land from Europe. They were dying from starvation then, when natives taught them who to grow crops, fruit and vegetables. Am I right? (I'm sorry if I'm wrong.)

    Could you explain it in a bit more detail?

    I'm glad to know that you cherished so many cultures and traditions.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you!

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