success :)

to whom it may cocern

in response to all the disputes and concerns emerged aroud the distribution of 'success' to out clients. we official clarify that we treat all of out clients with the same policies and without any bias. for those who have not reccived the ' success' thay want, please kinfly refer back to out payment below.

1 success is not freegift. depending on various sizes, you must pay its price aceordingly

2 we do not often any kind of discount, every clients it supposed to pay full price

3 we do not accept any kind of credit or particial payment, every client must pay full price in advance/ success will not be delivered util your full payment is made

to your success

from god's office

copy of my teacher. because i like it than i share it :)

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  • yes of course :)

  • Success comes after hard work, and sometimes being at the right time at the right place with the right people.

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