What is success? Is there any definition ? I think there is no definition of success. In our society success means you have to secured top grade in school, college or university. If u can do that u r success in so called society. I am talking about Bangladeshi culture of success. I don't what about other countries . After completing graduation u have to sit for the exam for getting a job. But job sector is full of corruption and nepotism .Very few multi talented guy will get chance for the golden job and rest of the student failure to our society. Everybody will say I am vanish because I have not got a job. But I know I have ability to do something different but our society always make me humiliate . Even our family ,relatives never accept our initiatives. Because our so called society think that all kind of success hidden in job. Our family always pushing us read more otherwise u will not get job. But they don't want to understand where is my attraction,ability ,affection. If I want to be entrepreneur my family will say hey r u mad? U r higher educated so u should do a job not anything else. I think success is never binding in job. We have different talent in different sector. So we can bring success from our loving work. So success can come in life many ways not only through job.
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Truth spoken, thank you for sharing! Sadly corruption and nepotism are everywhere, no power to change them, we can only try to avoid them. .We are taught that succes is achievement of what we desire, and all of us desire happiness which many of us may think it comes only with wealth, or fame. I heard a story once about a man working at the toillets, how he used to greet his costumers with genuine smiles, saying:" Welcome to my kingdom! " His toilets were spick and span, as well as himself, and asked if he want to be advanced, refused, for the reason of being perfectly happy with his life and loving his job. I think that no matter what kind of job we do, as long as we love it, we should be doing ok.
It's hard to avoid corruption and nepotism. But one can if they are willing to do.
Hi asit bitwas,
If you mean success, people have their own definition. But if you mean work,,, entrepreneurship otherwise will lead you to the very successful one (in work).
If you want to be entrepreneur, then just do it! Don't listen to them.
Danyavaad Asit Biswas! They say that breaking a hard rock does not come from the first hammer, but from the continuous blows from it. Thanks for sharing success.