Stay Fit !!

Hello guys, I guess you people are having a great time in EC. The learning atmosphere has made people glued to this site. Thanks to the moderators, this site is free from spam. Apart from its obvious reasons to stay here all the time, have you ever given a thought that hour after hour as you are spending time here or elsewhere on internet in front of computer, your body is suffering from serious health complications? Sitting posture is an important factor in both your health and performance. You spend probably half of your day sitting at your desk and PC, therefore how you sit has a huge impact on your muscles, digestive system, blood circulation, breathing and even your bones. Sitting in a wrong posture for a long time causes muscles imbalance.  A wrong sitting posture can lead to many other problems like cervical pain, body fatigue, body fluid circulation and it can also lead to muscle and joint tension.

But, see not to worry!! I am here for you. How to overcome this?? Supposedly leave the wrong posture and go for correct posture!! (lol)

A correct or specially a good posture will do more to keep you looking youthful as the years go by than a face-lift or Botox. And the benefits of maintaining your bone health are much more than skin-deep.Here are 5 tips to keep you standing tall at any time:

  • Always try tilting the head forward. This helps prevent neck injury. Try Sitting without lumbar support. This helps to prevent back pain. Try Working with arms raised. This helps  to prevent neck and shoulder pain. Try bending wrists. This helps to prevent muscle cramps. Try to work with unsupported forearms. This helps to prevent shoulder and back pain.

  • Sitting on a chair that is too low affects your body badly. It disrupts blood circulation in lower legs, causing swelling. It puts pressure on internal organs. It creates too much pressure on buttocks and causes discomfort. So, please avoid that. Similar goes for high worktable.

  • A already been mentioned earlier, to have a good posture it's very important for you to be able to stretch and open up and improve your range of motion. To stay limber, try to get up for a couple minutes every half hour and stretch, walk, or stand.
  •  When you are at desk, sitting up with good, tall posture and your shoulders dropped is a good habit to get into. This can take some time getting used to; exercise disciplines that focus on body awareness, such as Pilates and yoga, can help you to stay sitting straight. Make sure your sitting place is set up to promote proper posture.
  •  Try having meal in between. Not junk food like you order from online food stores. Better go for fruits and healthy food.
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  • Thanks for caring blog. I hope you'll write more informative blogs.

    Take very good care, one again thanks to you.

  • Very good advice:)TQ

  • Nice Blog and Information too.

    Very Helpful for those, who used to sit long hours..

  • giggling, nice blog. Thanks for sharing.

    I can not sit in the chair for a long time, sis pls. ;-)

  • I've read somewhere that by doing a bit of walking in between those long sit on the chairs help a lot too. 

  • Thanks for reminding us about the potential health problems. Hope your advice helps.

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