"" Sindhi Topi and Ajrak Day"" ... 6th December ...Sindhi is the largest province of Pakistan.It is an agriculture province. on 6th december this festival is declared for by the peolple of sindh because media and news papers said many abusing words about the sindhi culture and their traditions.Culture of Sindh
The culture of Sindh has its roots in the Indus Valley Civilization. Sindh has been shaped by the geography of the largely desert region, the natural resources it had available and the continuous foreign influences. The Indus or Sindhu River that passes through the land, and the Arabian Sea (that defines its borders) also supported the sea-faring traditions among the local people.The local climate also reflects why the Sindhis have the language, folklore, traditions, customs and lifestyle that are so different from the neighbouring regions.
The roots of Sindhi culture and civilization go back to the distant past. Archaeological researches during 19th and 20th centuries showed the roots of social life, religion and culture of the people of the Sindh: their agricultural practices, traditional arts and crafts, customs and tradition and other parts of social life, going back to a ripe and mature Indus valley civilization of the third millennium B.C. Recent researches have traced the Indus valley civilization to even earlier ancestry. Sindhi culture is oldest from all because archaelogist says that this culture belong to the most oldest civilization ( Mohen_jo_dARO) THE FATHER OF ALL CIVILIZATIONS , 5 thousand years old civilization.Sindhi Topi...
Sindhi topi and ajrak have been symbols of the Sindhi culture and civilisation for thousands of years .and all the people of Sindh have an emotional attachment with these cultural symbols.Sindhi Ajrak...
Ajrak is a name given to a unique form of blockprint shawls and tiles found in Sindh, Pakistan. Ajrak is also worn by the Seraiki people of Southern Punjab and Kutch. These shawls display special designs and patterns made using block printing by stamps. Common colours used while making these patterns may include but are not limited to blue, red, black and yellow. Over the years, ajraks have become a symbol of the Sindhi culture and traditions."" A bust of a king priest excavated at Mohenjo-daro shows him draped over one shoulder in a piece of cloth that resembles an ajrak."On this day every person have to wear sindhi Ajrak and Topi.this day is call to nation to ptotect their culture traditions and their identity and i think that everyone should participate in this equally without any difference of cast, color, creed and language. beacuse it's just for to protect our identity , our motherland. and no one have any right to use any words about any culture of the world.............END..............I hope you like it, have a good day and take care..