Save & Die

A girl ask from his boyfriend,If your mum and I were to fall to a river.Who would you save.The boy replied Dont worry darling nobody can separate us and I never give up you.I do jump in to the river save my mum and die with you.
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  • Oh joy thank you so much for liking my funny short story. Good luck have a wonderful day.
  • Thank you dear hellenee.
  • Hi, Nimzaf, you have presented a very smart solution to such a difficult problem. I like your blog post very much.

  • Yes Sandra it's a joke.
  • If I was asked the same questions, I would say that none of us would be saved. Because, I don't know how to swim. :D

    To be serious, I would try to save both of them, my mum and my child mum :) the way we feel love for our mum, we have realize the feeling of our child for his mum. Though I am inexperienced lol
  • Bien sur Nimzaf! This reminds me of Arif Saeed's last bog psychopathic. The parents and their daughter with a question of who is going to sacrifice himself to save the other two? 

  • The guy actually saved his life with his kind of wise answer.:D
  • Hi Alice thaaaaaaaank yooooooooooy so much my dear friend.I am not a fake friend ok,I know what is what and who is who.Thanks dear for your nice comment.
  • Hi Nimzaf glad to see you back and active once again here on EC!  Hope you continue to get better.  This looks like a safe answer to give to a girlfriend when one is just courting her to show true love let us hope it continues to be as strong in marriage. :)

  • There is an other wiser answer.

    I will save my mother.  I can find other gf, but there will not be another mom.

    Good skit.

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