If you have your CHANCE now, take it.

If you want something, nothing can STOP you.

Don't leave your life to FATE and DESTINY.

It is always your CHOICE. Take CHARGE.

Do what you can now. Do what makes you HAPPY.

If you get beaten, then you'll know it wasn't for you.

At least there won't be regrets.There's always a RISK. But not taking that RISK is an even bigger RISK.Have a nice day my English club^_^

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  • thank you bozova^_^
  • very nice blog.congratulations jah nice :)
  • So encouraging!

    We really need to know how to face the challenge we may encount - we have our ups and downs. Sometimes everything seems to be so hard for us to deal with, but sometimes everything seems so kind to us.

    Tolerate the bad day; enjoy the good day. In the long run, you'll have a colourful life.

  • thanks guys^_^
  • I like this note : If you get beaten, then you'll know it wasn't for you.


    thanks Jah Nice ;)

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