Result Day.
Hi friends,this is Alina Zindani. As you know this is my second blog. In this blog I am sharing about my result, it was amazing its last but not the least. On that day I was ill I woke up late I didn't know when my father set off to school and bought my result. He woke me and said,Congrats Alina you got 3rd position. I was amused he hugged me that was an awesome feeling. When I saw the front page of my report card there as a tag of 3rd position then when I opened it there was written A+ and 90% I was going to faint but actually I didn't. Then I went to the dining room and hugged my mom she was happy too and according to my pops I made their day!
my congratulations
I wish you good future
I hope you will be the first next time

I just got who wrote this blog , till now I was confused :p
:D Alinaaaaaa hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D This is your anty from Iran .. Wish you the best of the best .. Keep it up sweete . you must be great and you will be awesome cuz your father is awesome man :)
Wish you and your family the best ,I am sure you will shine like diamonds in future :)
Congratulations, Dear Alina!
Keep it up! :)
"I feel a very unusual sensation -
if it is not indigestion, I think it must be gratitude."
Benjamin Disraeli.
Dearest Anele, Gozal, Mishaikh, Sewar , Ah-Tk, Mickey and Sister Sima, thanks for your appreciating and encouraging words for my daughter Alina. After your words, Alina has got courage to write her third Blog.
Yes brother u must say lol when u read my comment :p
Hey, little sister, you are brilliant! I'm proud of you!
Congratulations and keep going!
Yes, Alina , you aren't only one who amused, I and your Mom also feel pride when your teacher told us that " Mr & Mrs Asif, your daughter secured 3rd position in Final examination.
Btw, Alina what happened if you secured third position from last, as I know, you got my secret...
Congrats Alina ..... Congrats Mr.Asif
Mr.Asif you owe us a gift for this good news ... or you owe us a cake :p
I feel hungry so hurry up and bake the cake :p