Ramadan flight

Ramadan airlines announce the departure of its flight number  1437 H  to the sake of Allah. The trip takes thirteen to fourteen hours every day starting from the first day of the month of Ramadan till  the end of the month. All  passengers are welcome aboard and are kindly requested to fast during the trip. There are some instructions to be followed. Smoking, eating or drinking are not allowed.  Our trip is a chance for the stomach to rest during the flight.

  For eleven months, we eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. We can eat snacks between these meals. During this trip this process will be hanged or suspended from the departure time at dawn till its final destination at sunset. From the medical point of view, our trip is healthy for the stomach and the body as a whole. The stomach digests the food that comes from the mouth and then it distributes it to the heart, kidney and other organs of the body. Our stomachs have been doing this for a long time. Now you are with us on this flight and it's time for its maintenance. Here the maintenance is Godly. The ticket's price is very cheap. No cash is needed or credit card. The intention to be on this flight is its price. They are some benefits from this flight:-

1-               Ramadan flight is for the sake of Allah

2-                It  cleanses the self from its dirt and bad deeds.

3-                 Hunger. All the passengers on board are fasting ones. they  intuit the poor people who don't have today's food.

4-               It teaches patience and perseverance.

5-               Passengers can recite Quraan.

6-               The last ten days of Ramadan flight are the best days for praying, itikaf

7-               Lailaitul agadr, (the night of power).

8-               The passengers on this flight enter Jannah through Arayan gate.

9-               They are rewarded by their God.

10-          Ramadan flight is the fourth pilar of Islam.


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  • During travelling fasting is not 'essential', but if a person finds himself capable to have fast, he can do so, and will have the same ajr (blessing).

  • Bahut shukriya Just For Men! Ramadan flight , metaphorically speaking, it means the month of the holy month of Ramadan. The fasting is during the day. when the sun is down people start to eat and drink normally. Thanks for your comment.

  • Dear Anonymous, thanks for your comment on that flight. I hope to be one of your friends.

  • Well typed, it's a month of Devotion, Piety, Generosity, Forgiveness .....etc. The light of the year.

  • Nasilsin Mehmet va tekkur ederim. Thanks Mehmet for your nice comment. Can you see The Wedding?

  • it makes me feel good when i see real muslims like you well written 

  • Bahut bahut shukriya White Knight. Thanks for being with us on that flight. I hope to be one of your friends. Thanks for your nice comment.

  • quite inspirational , well written 

  • Spasibo Tanya! It is a trip. When there is no available flight for the certain destination we can take any available one to get there. Thanks teacher Tanya for everything.

  • Mashkoor ya Samuel. Thanks for your nice comment on the true spiritual appearances of the holy month. Ramadan Mubarak.

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