Pythogenesis is a natural phenomenon. It is the transformation of putrefaction, corruption, and decomposition. Putrefaction, corruption, and decomposition are bad, but pythogenesis is a conversion of energy and a transition of life.
You can observe a fallen apple from the tree. It rots at the beginning, but after a period of time only an empty shell is left. Then after sometime, even the empty shell vanished. Where has the entire apple gone? It has undergone the process of pythogenesis.
All things in the material world will go through pythogenesis, without which there would be no such material world.
Just imagine, how can we have today’s environment and civilization if the carcasses of animals remain intact for thousands of years, if the leaves fallen from the trees remain as fresh as ever, if the piled garbage does not rot, if the slave society and feudal system does not corrupt, and if despotism is always maintained, if the original religion does not corrupt, and if the ancient civilizations last for eternity?
The rotten carcasses of animals and the decayed plants will be decomposed by microorganisms in soil or water and converted into aliment, which to be absorbed and utilized by other plants. The ancient religion and civilization were decomposed by the development of the times and converted into a knowledge and wisdom, which to be absorbed and utilized by the present religion and civilization. How perfect the design is! The waste is changed into valuable materials and the corrupted is turned into wonders. Who is capable of such considerate and flawless thinking?
The Greatest Creator!