I like psycology very much.5 years a go i was a student in the university.I studied psycology as a free subject.The Doctor asked us to make a presentation about things related to psycology .I choosed to talk about Phobia and now l want to write about phobia.Everybody have something to fear of but sometimes this fear is intense, unrealistic fear, which can interfere with the ability to socialize, work, or go about everyday life, that is brought on by an object, event or situation.
I make a list of the most 10 familiar kinds of phobias:1.Arachnophobia-Fear of Spiders. Half of women and 10 per cent of men have, to some degree, a fear of spiders.2. Social Phobia-Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations--often the fear of public speaking. Approximately 5.3 million American adults ages 18 to 54, or about 3.7 percent of people in this age group in a given year, have social phobia. Social phobia typically begins in childhood or adolescence.3. Aerophobia-Fear of flying. Note that it doesn't matter to an aerophobic person that air travel is 29 times safer than automobile travel.4. Agoraphobia-Fear of being in a large open space; overwhelming and incapacitating anxiety on traveling away from the safety of home or on being in crowded places. Approximately 3.2 million American adults ages 18 to 54, have agoraphobia.5. Claustrophobia-Fear of being trapped in small confined spaces.6. Acrophobia-Fear of heights.7. Emetophobia-Fear of vomit.8. Carcinophobia-Fear of cancer.9. Brontophobia-Fear of thunderstorms. This includes pets. I have read that pets can feel the electricity in the air and that it is irritating to their skin. Positive reinforcement (food works great) at an early age and finding ways to make storm-watching fun is important (especially for pets).10.Necrophobia-Fear of death or or dead thingsThese are another kinds of phobias.They are strange and some of them are funny:Xanthophobia- Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow.Alektorophobia- Fear of chickensBibliophobia- Fear of books.Cacophobia- Fear of ugliness.Chirophobia- Fear of hands.Euphobia- Fear of hearing good news.Paraskavedekatriaphobia- Fear of Friday the 13th.Plutophobia- Fear of wealth.Do you have any kind of Phobias?
by the way happy birth day ur 26th birthday. im not well in grammer and hate it much.but always chating english ,with people from forieign countries .and like travel much.
hi kamal
its my chance be friend with some .o ne jenuse like u.very atractive character and very busy person mind , i like psychology( its really an art) and u really an artist in this feild.
sincerely yours sara
You are welcome my friend.This kind of phobia is called " Nyctophobia" and the phobia from heights is "Batophobia".I think your friend need some treatment.
So long
This phobia called ranidaphobia.The cure is not easy you should do a cognitive-behavioral therapy called systematic desensitization or exposure therapy. This treatment is very effective.There are some medicine but the cognitive thearby is better.So you should visit a Psychologist and he can do this kind of treatment.
Thanks for your comment.I wish you'll have a good life without phobias.
thanks for your info.. i quite afraid with frog.i dont kow whether it is type of phobia or not. if i know there is frog i will use other way. long time ago, i don't remember the exact time , accidentally i stepped on frog.. i screamed and then i got high fever for 2 days. if it type of phobia.. how to overcome it? please don't say i must to stay with frogs to overcome the problem.
Hi ... There is some people fear of food or being fat .. So , they starving till death or eat too too much to run away from thier crazy disease . Really I enjoy your topic and Iwait for more >>>>>>>>>>>Best Time ...
I think human is always difficult to understand.But Psycology helps us to know more about human.You like this topic ,so i think you like Psycology but you should read more then you'll realize how much it's interesting.Thanks a lot Saso for your nice comment.
its my chance be friend with some .o ne jenuse like u.very atractive character and very busy person mind , i like psychology( its really an art) and u really an artist in this feild.
sincerely yours sara
You are welcome my friend.This kind of phobia is called " Nyctophobia" and the phobia from heights is "Batophobia".I think your friend need some treatment.
So long
This phobia called ranidaphobia.The cure is not easy you should do a cognitive-behavioral therapy called systematic desensitization or exposure therapy. This treatment is very effective.There are some medicine but the cognitive thearby is better.So you should visit a Psychologist and he can do this kind of treatment.
Thanks for your comment.I wish you'll have a good life without phobias.
Thanks for your nice comment.So you have zoophobia or agrizoophobia. agrizoophobia is just from wild animals but zoophobia from all animals.
So long
Yeah..This kind of phobia called "obesophobia".Thanks a lot for your nice comment. Have a nice day.
I think human is always difficult to understand.But Psycology helps us to know more about human.You like this topic ,so i think you like Psycology but you should read more then you'll realize how much it's interesting.Thanks a lot Saso for your nice comment.
So long then