Philippine English vs Our Native Tongue

Ranked fourth in the world in terms of the number of English speakers, the Philippines is a country where English is not considered as second language but first language. English is labeled as the language of the "learned" while our native tongue is regarded as a colloquial language or a street language. It is offensive as it may sound and it is something that any Filipino cannot take pride in because it considers Filipino a mediocre language to English.

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  • Well, to my opinion, every languages are important and if  English, seems to be considered as more important, i guess it's because it became the world's language, the one that we can speak everywhere (or almost) in the world. I think it's great and i wish we could all speak the same language. When i was younger i learned "Esperanto" wich was created to become the world's  language for us to understand everyone wherever we would go. Unfortunately this experience failed and not many people learned it. So nowadays, english became that worldwide spread language and i am happy about this because it's so important to be able to communicate with others. It doesn't mean that all the other languages are not important. So it's very important to keep our own language alive, (it is part of our roots)  no matter if it is considered as a second level language.
  • It's my pleasure, Rajesh. Thank you too for paying attention.
  • Nice to know this information. Thank you for sharing Alphalava.

  • Thank you, puakeng, for your comment.
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