People in the Pacific area - Stay alert!

Thank you very much for sending your sincere condolences to the people hit by the terrible earthquake and tsunami in Japan.


Please be advised that tsunami can affect anywhere on the Pacific rim and islands even one day after the quake. In 1960, more than a hundred Japanese people were killed by a big tsunami that had traveled across the Pacific Ocean from South America, Chille. It was 22 hours after the earthquake.

Moreover, continuous aftershocks are expected this time. So, please stay alert for high waves.

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  • Hi Ivan, it's great to hear from you!! Wow you are working at Intel? That's a great company. After your internship, what kind of work do you expect to do?


    It's sad that media's attention is fading despite the fact that the people affected by the earthquake, tsunami, and the nuclear pollution are still struggling.

    My family and relatives are all far from the area and okay. Thank you for your concern.

    One of my friends, who is a researcher/psychiatrist was hit by the earthquake. He was safe, but his research building was destroyed and now he is busy in supporting the mental care of tsunami victims. Hope everything settles as soon as possible, but I'm sure it will take time...

    Keep in touch!

  • Anele, thank you for the prayer.

    This is how tsunami spread (source: NOAA)2381209915?profile=original


  • Forget-me-Not, nida, and Ramona, thank you so much for your concern!

    I'm sure the people will stand up again, but for now the disaster is still an ongoing issue. They must work hard to minimize the harm.

  • May Almighty God protect all the people!


    Thanks Yoh, you gave a timely advice to the people who are living at the coast of Pacific Ocean. They really need to stay alert as they are still under threat of tsunami.

  • What an awful nightmare for all the Japanes people. I feel so sorry and i pray God, whatever his name is, to give them strenght to face this disaster.

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