There are five characters in this story,
Anybody = boy
Nobody = girl
Somebody= friend of Anybody
No one = chief of Nowhere
Everyone = chief of Somewhere.
There were two villages, SOMEWHERE and NOWHERE, inhabitants of which, were great rivals. One day what happened, Anybody, boy of SOMEWHERE, fell in love with Nobody, girl of NOWHERE. Everyday Anybody went to NOWHERE to meet Nobody. As a matter of fact, Nobody loved Anybody too. When Somebody, friend of Anybody, saw that Nobody loved Anybody he was worried. He asked himself "what will happen when chiefs of both villages come to know Nobody loved Anybody?" He thought that blood sheding battle would possibly start. Here, I agree with somebody that when nobody loves anybody, there is great chance of battle. Anyway, let's move ahead.
Sombody went to Anybody's home where he tried to convince Anybody by telling him that peoples of both sides would be severely suffered, but Anybody turned deaf ears to his advice. Somebody, eventually, went to Everyone, Chief of SOMEWHERE, and told him the whole story. Everyone, hearing it, got furious at Anybody, but Anybody didn't care Everyone. Helplessly, Everyone wrote a letter to No one, Chief of NOWHERE. When No one came to know it, he felt dishonoured and warned Nobody not to meet him from that day.
Few days later, it was observed that they both met each other which infuriated both chiefs. Then they both began blaming on each other. Peoples of both villages were in a great trouble as exchange of harsh words were gradually leading to the fatal battle. In order to settle the issue soaring rapidly, I interceded into the matter and discussed with both chiefs individually. First, I met Everyone whom I asked what was wrong if Anybody want to marry Nobody. Life is blessed with freedom. Anybody has right to choose whosoever he likes and No one should also not create hurdles for Anybody in regard of choice. Everyone interrupted me and told that it was against their custom. I replied "no custom is above religion", Please reform your custom in the light of Islamic teaching". Somebody and Everyone agreed with me. OK. Everyone asked me if I could also convince No one I said I would try.
I went to NOWHERE, where No one welcomed me warmly as always :). I said No one not to create problems for Anybody. No one asked me to come to the main point. I said "let Nobody marry Anybody and let them live their life in their way. Marriage is a legal and right choice rather than engagement in fornication". No one, at once, got point. I further said "Everyone is also happy. Now time has come to bury your hatred." He smiled and agreed. Thus, two great rivals came close to each other and disputes were peacefully settled and marriage was celebrated with fervor.
Few months later when I went to SOMEWHERE, where Everyone was so happy, loved me so much and prayed for me. After that, I went to NOWHERE, where No one welcomed me warmly as always :) I met both Anybody and Nobody. Both were so happy, but argued over a choice of their new baby's name. The issue was that Anybody chose "Everything " as a name for his child, whereas Nobody chose "Nothing ". I said Nobody that if you name your baby Everything, you would say proudly that you have Everything.
Nobody agreed and thanked me for settling the matters :)
Finally Nobody liked me(^_^). Knowing it, I felt so great :)
PS: This is just a piece of writing. So nobody should be hesitant to let me know your opinions :)
What a creative blog!
I've read some of your blogs. This one is amazing. Plz keep it up!
Lol yes deepest heart, I guess you might read my blog where I mentioned that I share my unpleasant experience in funny way, it is absolutely right, but behind spirit of writing this blog is Ahmed Ali's discussion "SOMEBODY". Thank Almighty Allah! He is here as a witness. If you don't believe, pls contact him (^_^).
If you still have some questions, pls feel free. Your opinion is so much precious for me from aspect of learning, mending myself, and improvement.
By the way, your interrogation is really surprising for me, but made me feel happy to see such considerate and caring friend.
My friend, really thanks for your time. I hope you not waste it on reading my comments. Anyway, My friend, when you wrote "Everyone was so happy, loved me so much and prayed for me", you wrote it as a result of your action towards who you helped. But when you wrote Nobody liked me(^_^). Knowing it, I felt so great :) you wrote it after the word Finally and after few lines from the main topic, as if you say this sentence with a big sigh comes from the depth of your heart. My friend, it just a feeling. And I hope it would be wrong. God bless you my friend.
As you said
"I believe that; every one of us when he or she writes, he or she gives the writing a part of his or her spirit even if it just kind of practicing."
If it's your belief, I respect it, but may I ask you to comment on this line, which is also a part of my spirit expressed in my writing (^_^)
"Everyone was so happy, loved me so much and prayed for me".
Thank you so much for raising your valuable point, which is important to my readers to know. Again let me say, I really appreciate it :) Allah bless you too.
Thanks my friend for your nice comment. My friend, I know that your topic is kind of practicing on writing. But my friend I believe that; every one of us when he or she writes, he or she gives the writing a part of his or her spirit even if it just kind of practicing. My friend, my previous comment was kind of feelings which possessed me after I have fineshed reading your topic. May I wrong, may not!!!!!! God bless you my friend.
I tried to make it full of fun, yet there was slightly fear that this blog would be taken serious. Therefore, I had to add on my blog, "this is just writing practice" I am so confident of what I am here and real life, that is why I never hesitate doing whatever I like. I think no need to comment on rest points, but I really wondered how you came with such perception about me. However, I took it kind of sincerity, so must let me thank you for sharing your thought freely, to be honest I love it.
Thank you so much for passing sincere comment.
My friend, the last sentence which you ended your topic with, really it stuck in my head all the time. That why today I read it several times; Finally Nobody liked me(^_^). Knowing it, I felt so great :) My friend, allow me to think loudly; I think when you mentioned that Nobody liked me, you described yourself in the real life, that till now you have not found anyone likes you yet. May that why you wrote it after few lines from your topic. May you want some one to heeds it and hear the soundless scream through it. May be!!!!!! I don't know!!!!! But the best part which I want you to hear it clearly that, we all, your friends in EC, like you. Isn't that enough my friend!!!!!! God bless you.
Confusion is inevitable with these indefinite pronouns that have own meaning, therefore I had to add colour on each character in order to avoid confusion.
Thank you so much for sharing your opinion.
Bringing smile on faces is also virtue. I am so glad you liked it.
Thank you so much for passing your nice comments with this beautiful chicken :) I liked it