Never Will I

Sitting aloneThinking of you,
Your affection ,
Your Devotion, Veneration,
Your Dedication Adhesion,
Your Allegiance ,Diligence &
Your Elocution, Expatiation & Captivation,
Your Megnatization , Elegance & Satiation
Many more to notify
You can forget me
Sure, Never will I

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  • HI everyone here, i am here after long time, couldn't recognize any one here, pls any one of our old days friend here, DM , I will be more than happy to see you guys once again. Thanks 

  • Sungay Zaibi, Painful memories, my dear good friend. Who is that guy? 

  • This can be love poem. But I thought of my mother when I read that.

    Both of us never forget each other.

  • i'm afraid i can't say anything till my english get better, i didn't catch many words, that's really out of my reach, or maybe just becaue i'm not romantic hhhh

    anyway, good words (the ones i caught)

  • @wow! Such a rhythmic vocabulary. 

    @zaibi good work. 

  • such a beautiful poem, it expresses the deepest feeling

  • Zaibi beautiful poem,

    But it looks like somebody has hurted you.

  • I have found many unknown words in your poem! Keep writing!

  • ohhh...sounds sadness... you describe your privace feeling here... i think it poem you wrote for one peson who was or are important for you, 

  • You write such nice poem. I love it. Keep writing such a wonderful poem and also give us as gift everyday  

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