My Wordless Wednesday # 8

 I badly need a capture for this photo. The best one will be added next Wednesday! Thank you so much!

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  • Hi Tetyana,

    Thanks for choosing my caption :) Great picture indeed

    Adults or children, we all hope that magic actually happens...

  • I want you to see this pic.... have a look at the faces of some seems to me that they are deeply surprised  too...2385700605?profile=original

  • Hi all! Thank you very much for your participating! I like Viviana's capture. I think that it is the best illustrations for the picture. So the capture is "So the magic exists....not only in the Harry Porter films...Now I can see it with my own eyes!!!" Thanks again!

  • So the magic exists... not only in the harry poter film...Now I see it with my eyes! 

  • Really challenge! really wordless! I would like to give my caption:

    The man said: "Here is immortal drink, who want to give a try?"

  • hi tetyana,

    i think it will be full of water.

  • Magician:Would you like to see a horse egg.

    Boys and girls: Yes.

    Magician: Here is a horse egg inside this pot.

    Little boy: Wow.

  • "Now you know how amazing this pot is!"

  • Wow! Are you a magician? Some moments ago it was just a piece of clay!!!

  • I think I know what's inside the cup! 

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