Dear readers,
In my country the exercise ( sport ) department always hold the soccer competition. This match is started from the small area, to national area. This month the match is done. my school has a solid team. It never lost the game in region part. This week my student's team will face the final match. I hope my student can play the best. If my team win the game, we will go to Padang to face the province part. If my students can play good and full of confident I'm sure they will win this competition.And they will go to Jakarta to join the national event. As a teacher I always watch my students' action in the field. It looks like the soccer in international game.They are so creative although most of them have small body. You know they are seven and eight grade of Junior High school students.I' proud of them.I hope they can play attractively and success. Here I say " Junior High school 2 Gunung Talang team is fantastic , strong and the best in my Regency" I hope they always do the best and win in every match. Indonesia students tournament is always exist in order to make the students health and clever, because in healthy body keeps the healthy soul and cleverness.......
i had read all , very nice
Best of luck! I'm so glad to hear that your students have a solid team! My son's soccer starts on Saturday. It's always fun to be a spectator of little ones. Youth soccer is extremely popular in Canada.
Province and then national match! That sounds great.
Good luck and success!