This blog I decided to dedicate to something what can scare you, can make you even insane and sometimes you can have problem to handle it because it totally control your mind !!! Still not getting me, what I am here writing about? Ok, I won't be mysterious, I won't tease you, dear readers, let me introduce you the word: FEAR !!!
It is obvious that fear evolves with our mind. Since we get older and older day by day, the things we fear are being changed. Let me share here with you fear I have come across so far and please at least pretend that you sympathize with me :-)
As a little innocent girl (hope you can imagine it) I was very scared of the dogs. Now I can just laugh at it but at the age of 5 when some big dog started sniffing around me, I can't even describe how much terrified I was at such moment. By the way as we know the dogs can recognize when somebody is scared and it made such situations even worse !! Luckily, no dog has ever bittten me and I wonder how come they were so patient.
Later, when I was older around 10 years this fear turned to something new. Anytime I saw somewhere outside drunk stranger I was very frightened. I even felt that they had some special instinct to recognize my fear and it attracted them to start conversation with me. Drunk strangers outside were simply my nightmare and I would say that even now I still don't feel comfortable in company of drunk annoying people.
As a teenager I guess at the age of 15 when I attended grammar school, fear of being examined when I wasn't fully prepared was also something very stresfull and I am sure almost all of you know it very well (nerds won't read this part). When teacher entered the classroom I felt like teacher knew it was me who was shivering there, I almost prayed so that he or she wouldn't notice my presence in the class. I wish I were invisible, to disappear would be the best way but unfortunatelly any teleport has been invented so I had to suffer…
What about my another fear? At the age of 19 I watched movie Blair witch project – horror movie, first one of this kind, recorded by common camera, which gave it very authentic impression. In short - group of people was chased in the forest during their trip by some evil. Maybe you won't believe it but in upcoming few years I didn´t feel comfortable walking in the forest!!! If you are laughing now, better check out who is standing behind you! :-D
I grew up and suddenly I was with big belly facing fear of giving a birth. All those rumours like - friend of my friend said that her friend experienced this or that made it of course worse, so I even couldn't sleep at nights and felt like I won't survive it. Such panic controlled my mind that finally one day I realized I should start using brain, decided to attend special course for pregnant women and it helped me a lot. As you can see I survived and all this fear was in my opinion useless.
And what is my current fear? Honestly to see my parents aging isn't easy at all and I find it very sad because I am aware of the fact that they won't be here forever, so fear of their death is something what I consider very frustrating.
Sad end? Well, fear isn't anything funny so let's accept the reality and let's try to fight against it so that we all wouldn't end up one day in the madhouse.
Bravo! Great job with explaining the experiences of your own.
I think that if somebody lives in a worse manner, he or she will has to be suffered at the end of the life. That's the greatest FEAR of the world.
The fear is a human nature .Man always declines to be scared of something .It is very justifiable feeling of being afraid of dogs , snakes ,sees , getting old etc .I read a quotation of Plato and I like it “ We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.
Very nice topic ,thank you Luci .
Dani, I have never watched it because it was about ghosts etc. nothing for me :D So, dont forget to check who is gonna be tonight in wardrobe :-p
Behghost, what a compliment, m glad you liked it :D btw I had the same fear in the flat of my parents where I grew up, at night when I went to toilet I dont know why I was everytime so scared of passing one place and thought somebody would attack on me from there :)
My fear was, is and might be is that as child I watched the serial Fact or Fiction where was house and in that the childrens for fun shut one of their sibling to wadrobe and when they opened it afterwards, they found only his clothes, he dissapeared! And in the night (omg I am having gooseflesh!) one boy always saw "monster" which opened wardrobe looking out from it. Since this I have never been in wadrobe, but before it was my best place for hiding myself. ;D Leave the fear behind!!! Funny indeed...
Cup, you are lucky then not to remember any fear from childhood ;)
Mishaikh, yes fear is sth common and I just wanted to share my experience here :-) m not super heroine, just poor scared girl :D
Expector, thanx for your comment, I agree with you and if it is of course up to us how to kill fear or at least supress it. Thank you for the correction, I will try to avoid this mistake.
Ohnie, I forgot to mention that you are my nightmare and your presence scares me a lot :-( :D
Make yourself YOUR OWN JUDGE!
This isn't of matter much what they gossip!
You know mishaikh , I know what i was fearing of people cuz i wanted to make all people satisfied and I was afraid of what people say behind me ,I was scared of their judgment ...
They are all what made me scare of people :/
but why ?
are they important ?
noooooooooo :D I am feeling good
Oh there's a typo in my previous comment. So I am repeating the last line here where the typo is.
I guess, it's normal to have fears because we are human beings equipped with emotional feelings. It becomes abnormal when we let our fear overcome us and hold our professional growth.