NOTE: is NOT associated with this contest. This contest is by members for members. ~ EC Admin
Hello all,
the day we will start voting our Ms and Mr. EC 2014 has come !!!!!!
today I am coming with the works I have recieved from our candidates. There will be two blogs - in this one I will publish girls´/women´s works and in the second one complete tasks of our boys/men.
Well, you all will vote for ONE GIRL and ONE BOY till 29th MAY 2014 11:59pm GMT. Read this blog, then this second one blog and plz come back here and in your ONE COMMENT write which girl/woman and boy/man your votes will go for. It means that in the second one blog won´t be any comments, no votes. Hope, I explained it clearly. TWO BEST GIRLS/WOMEN and TWO BEST BOYS/MEN I mean the candidates who will recieved the most votes, will get to the FINAL - DUEL, which will start during the next week. The results of this first round will be published on 30th MAY 2014.
!!! Let me again repeat that THE CANDIDATES CAN´T VOTE !!!
Read please all the candidate´s tasks properly and try to sum it all up. Please, don´t take it like it is your duty to vote for your friend even though their tasks weren´t among the best ones. Try to be fair and let the best one win. This isn´t competition about the popularity but about what our candidates can show us, about their performance, their characters. This matter, so please think of it..
Since I didn´t recieve the works of all the candidates, even though all of them I informed by special message - some of them simply didn´t bother themselves to reply, some excused themselves and others gave it up - so here is the list of the people who are in :
T H E G I R L S / W O M E N:
T H E B O Y S / M E N :
Now I will publish the tasks I recieved from the girls as I have promised :
Making the friends over internet
If I start with just making friends, so it is a natural tendency and so we are making friends wherever we are in life. And so in virtual life too.
I have most of my online friends on EC almost all active main room chatters. Very few on other network. Online friendship with strangers had only one reason for me that to share any thought without hesitation that what impact it will make on them. And it helped to get unbiased responses. It was also an urge to stay at a place that is completely disregarded of personal stuff of life. Talk with different people and know their views. The most amazing thing was all are here with true heart [main room chatters :D] with their kind of fun and facts.
It makes me feel cosmopolitan when I spend time with main room chatters. It is the most amusing and satisfying part of my virtual life.
I don’t want to compare real life friends with online. They all are unique at their level and I need both in different situations.
Well here are two friends I want to talk about how they made an impact in my life.
The first one is Mr. Shrikant Badwadgi , I met with him in an electronics engineers forum. We became friend on gtalk and he guided me to make my first robot. He guided me without any direct help and I guess it is best way just to give hints how to do rather than giving complete key. If I would not used the online way I would never get such guide.
The second one is met on FB though some friend of friend channel. He is the friend who was online and became real life friend also. He sent me request on FB and we became good friends since we both belong to same work field and his way to talk was really decent. Once I went to Mysore that was a completely new city for me and it was first when I was alone on a trip for an examination. I asked on FB if someone can help me out and he offered help even he belonged to a nearby city Banglore. He helped me to get a safe stay place and examination centre and we roam around the Mysore city it was truly amazing.
Well If I remember the plan to meet an EC friend. Diggy (Vicky Cheng) and I, made plan to meet. She tried to come India attend a social event Jagriti Yatra and I was hoping that we will spend the time on that journey but it never came true. No doubt it will be memorable if I could meet with any of my EC friend.
To conclude I again want to say that the main room friends are making my life cosmopolitan and they are very satisfying part of my virtual life or say virtual family.
1. What do you find simply the best about yourself?
I just want to live life in any condition and that is the best thing in me. No matter what will be next or what was the past I will live it in the best way.
2. What would you miss the most if you should live on the desert island?
The first thing came in mind was water. But I will use a little knowledge I got by watching Man VS Wild :D to get some potable water, thank you Bear Grylls I am alive due to you :D so I will miss Bear Grylls next :D oops thanks to god also that I watched Discovery.
3. What do you hate and why?
I hate negativity. What kind of explanation I should give it is very implicit. I hate any effort which demoralizes anyone for their goals because I had and I have a lot of such sources of negativity around me. Nothing else I have to hate in my life.
4. Do you consider yourself realist or dreamer?
I am a realist dreamer. I am trying to realize my dreams into real life. I am taking my decisions and trying to take my dreams on the ground of reality. I am from a conventional muslim family where girls get married in age of 14 with very minor education and so it would happen to me if I did not took actions for my dreams. And here I am still on the way to achieve my goals, on my own conditions and with my own dreams in my eyes.
5. What is your biggest fear?
Biggest fear is really silly it is from failure. I have a worst condition in my mind if I would be back to that life which I kicked out years ago. I knew it will never come but if I will be failed I will be on the path towards that condition and it fears me.
6. What is the worst negative side of you?
It is my social network. I am very bad in keeping contacts. I talks after years when they make a call :D Sometimes I miss their calls and I think I will talk in evening but I forget. I am aloof in real life.
7. If we could turn the time, what would you change in your life?
Nothing. I am satisfied with the past and it was alright I enjoyed it mmmm but still if you want an answer I want to change Modi Sarkar :D
8. What does money mean to you?
Money is tool to exchange resources or skills. I learned one thing from my job that it is not I have to earn and save a lot I have to keep a right flow of money just, have to spend it in such a direction that flow will be increased towards me ;) when I learned to earn I got a different confidence also so money is something that bring confidence when you earn it by yourself and one very important thing it is not more than your close persons they will be with me even if I have money or will not.
9. Let´s suppose we can make one of your wishes come true – which one would it be?
It will be learn to fly. I would like to have a pilot course, not professional but personal.
10. Why should people vote for you?
I don’t know they have their own opinion for me that is in their mind before this competition so they can vote me if they like me and my attitude or they can vote me if they don’t like my attitude, they can vote me for any reason good or bad or neutral. I don’t want to do any canvassing to get vote to win let it be according to their own opinion about me. Most of chatters and I guess voters know me, and few know me trough a few blog and few discussions and remaining if they don’t know me how can their vote is useful it will be just in a whim if they voted to me?
1. I have decided to tell you finally the truth about myself, I consider myself Pagali indeed :D [crazy girl]
2. I have just seen the mouse in this restaurant, do you think the chief chef Ratatouille is going to make something for us :D
3. Yes, I will do everything for you, to keep you in a cage and serve you all my kitchen experiments, being your Frankenstein, I will do everything you want it or not!
4. The fire is close, we have to open new one.
5. That one man stares at me in the strange way, I will not stop doing this alien dance, its working well :D.
Making the friends over the internet.
Making friends over the internet became a common thing nowadays. Well as for me, I see no problem in coming online and having fun in chatroom, chatting with interesting people all over the world, getting socialized and seeing the world from the point of views of totally strange people. I should say it is rather exciting and interesting, for where else you can find such great veriety of people from different countries, with different cultures and lifestyles, rather then in internet!! Sometimes it gives us very positive feelingns the other times we feel frustreated with those tstrangers from the other side of pc screen, however even if its virtual, stll its life and we cant have everyone agree with us and love us.
You come to this virtual world with a nickname and you are sure no one knows you and indeed it gives some of us the feeling of security, and at times makes us act the way we wouldnt act in real. For this reason I should say that one can never know who the virtual friend in reality is. Here I could also state that the advantage of depersonalization gives us the opportunity to show ourselves in the best light, that’s why sometimes we prefer to stay virtual rather than get real. So I could even say that having friends over internet is never of 100% assurance.
I have seen such agreat veriety of people over the internet but only few of them became really great friends of mine and I don’t see them as virtual friends, they are real and very dear to me. The love, trust and respect I feel to those friends isn’t virtual it is real and it is warming my heart and gives a lot positive feelings. I know that I can go to them for a piece of advice or for support or just have great fun with them. However I do miss the meeting in person, a hangout together, which I am sure, would be absolutely awesome.
This best friend of mine who is as crazy as I am and our funny-crazy chats that always are able to make my sadness or depression fade away… I will never call it virtual and I will never wish to lose it! I found my best friend here on EC and I am very happy and thankful for that! A soulmate who understands me and shows great care, and the love and care that exists in my heart for her is very worthwile. I shoud say I was lucky to meet her and became friends from the first sight and forever ;)
But this doesn’t mean I have never met any fake faces over the internet. I had the bad luck to meet some people who later on proved to be the worst friends and sometimes even enemies. When you go deep into the virtual friendship it becomes a part of you life and you risk to be hurt if not physically then at least morraly and emotionally. However it is always possible to leave these fake people behind and move on with the best ones you have next to you.
If you ask my opinion about interent friends I will say it’s a good thing but I will suggest you guys not to forget about the reality, which is may be not so perfect and awesome like (at times the fake) viruality still in the end when you turn off your PC, reality is where you are.
1. What do you find simply the best about yourself?
The best about myself is my positiveness. I find it very helpful for a lifetime.
2. What would you miss the most if you should live on the desert island?
I do believe that living on a desert island I would miss advanced technologies and people
3. What do you hate and why?
I hate winter. Coz its cold and I hate when it’s cold. Its depressive
4. Do you consider yourself realist or dreamer?
I will say it like this I am a heavy dreamer but a light speeper! I love to dream but my dreams are not too ambrosial.
5. What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is death of any loved person. I doubt if I can get over it!
6. What is the worst negative side of you?
I trust people easily. That hurts me and makes me feel insecure
7. If we could turn the time, what would you change in your life?
I would remove the day in which I met somebody( won’t go into details :p )
8. What does money mean to you?
Money is freedom for me! Unless u become its slave :p
9. Let´s suppose we can make one of your wishes come true – which one would it be?
I would wish to travel into the most exotic parts of the Earth
10. Why should people vote for you?
Coz m Awesome :D and coz I do wanna win!!!
1. I have decided to tell you finally the truth about myself, I consider myself to be a very beautiful lady (said Konchita to Europe).
2. I have just seen the mouse in this restaurant; do you think it will make a tasty bareque?
3. Yes, I will do everything for you, even will watch all serias of Santa Barbara with u, will fight Chuck Noris for u, and will go to the airport to pick myslf up instead of u!
4. The fire is close; we should prepare chicken for grill! And don’t forget to tie the witches to the trees, today we will have not ony chicken grill ;)
5. That one man stares at me in the strange way; I will stop throwing onions from my soup into his dish…
Making Friends over the Internet
Making Friends on the Internet is an uncertain obsession. One need to be extra watchful while sharing his or her personal information.
My thought is we should not be afraid about making online friends but we have to be vigilant about how the person is behaving. Most of the people do flirting and keep on asking you to send your photos, want you to share your number.
There is a big gap in what they demonstrate you about themselves in writing, what they are actually in real world. We only have their writings to judge them about their humor, their intellect, their understanding, their trustworthiness. But when we met people face to face we have plenty of things to judge through their facial expressions, their gestures, their way of dressing, their mind-set.
We all like pleasant, original, funny, and pretty wonderful people on the Web which are hard to find but. I've learned to be cautious, sure. If someone wanted my phone number, etc, I wouldn't give it to them.
There are a whole bunch of really nice people on English Club Site they are using kind words on daily basis. There is also a great amount of really sick, perverted people out there, for which you will need to exercise prudence and you have to keep on ignoring them / block them/ cut them off.
It’s sometimes foolish to trust that people on the internet are who they say they are, but may be they r not.
It’s sometimes foolish to trust that people on the internet are who they say they are, but may be they r not.
Honestly, I think its self-flattery for someone to think every person on the internet wants to talk them. However, there is a big gap between real life people and internet folk.
Online Friendship has its own advantages and disadvantages it’s all depend on us how we are dealing with.
1. What do you find simply the best about yourself ?
I am very open minded person capable of articulating my thoughts. I consider myself to be flexible, down to earth and highly motivated to pursue my goals in life.
2. What would you miss the most if you should live on the desert island?
I would miss the Pollution while staying at Desert Island
3. What do you hate and why?
I am having procrastination approach towards few things which I don’t like doing for example, waking up very early in morning, ironing clothes etc… because I usually exhausted after whole day work, and hectic time schedule.
4. Do you consider yourself realist or dreamer ?
Dreams are the birthplace of great realities. I consider myself as a dreamer , who likes to live in imaginative thoughts and possesses the passion to convert my dreams into reality
5. What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is -Will I able to accomplish all my responsibilities of becoming a good Mother, good Wife.
6. What is the worst negative side of you?
Sometime I easily take blame on myself to calm the situation
7. If we could turn the time, what would you change in your life?
It’s always our present that determines our future. I would not like to change anything because I do believe in living in present; we get experience from our past failures which we can employ in our present.
8. What does money mean to you?
We need it. It’s the key to most of the comforts in life
We can use it either in good and bad way, but at the same time Money has never made man happy, the more he has, the more he look for it.
9. Let´s suppose we can make one of your wishes come true – which one would it be?
I want to become a Millionaire to make my dream of wanderlust come true.
Then I will go for world tour. I will enjoy my love for exploring new places, knowing different cultures and different languages and different religions.
10. Why should people vote for you?
If people make me win they will get:
Confident Miss EC 2014 who help them by reading and listening to their grievances, try to solve their English problems with lots of patience.
Positive & Learning Environment – I believe in giving energetic and enthusiastic atmosphere into Main Chatting Room, Pvt. Chatting, other Chat rooms,
I always give first choice for discussing educated topics than anything insignificant. You will really enjoy English in my company.
Trustworthy: I am an easy going person and steady. You can rely upon me for your problems. I will understand your English problems and listen to what you say.
1. I have decided to tell you finally the truth about myself, I consider myself an impersonator, When my boss was out of the city, I did the mimicry of my boss in the office, and all my colleagues laughed a lot said this is best ever performance.
2. I have just seen the mouse in this restaurant, do you think I have finished my food? As soon as Waiter placed my order on the table, the little mouse jumped on my plate I had rebuffed the food
3. Yes, I will do everything for you, even boogie, only when you let me buy a branded bag from Charles & Keith.
4. The fire is close, we have thrown buckets full of water on our dog tail which has been burning dreadfully.
5. That one man stares at me in the strange way, I believe my face remind him of one of his old enemy.
Making friends via the internet is becoming more and more popular. It’s been nine months since I’ve joined EC and now I can share some thoughts about it.
Making friends on the net seems so easy at first. After a little chat you send or get a friend request. Quite often you get requests from people you’ve never seen or spoken to. A click – and you’ve got a friend! The real world lacks this easiness. This aspect of Internet communication is a great benefit for shy people or those who can’t find friends in real world. I am sure that lists of virtual friends are much longer than their real counterparts. However, I must confess that I am fastidious – my friends’ list equals the list of pending requests.
When people come into this virtual world, they acquire a new identity. They put a profile picture that shows the image they wish to create, give only that information about themselves that they think necessary for others to know. And there is no other way to learn anything about your Internet acquaintances! Even if they put a real name and a real picture of themselves, they leave a lot behind the screen. In messaging in the net you don’t see the changing face expressions and don’t hear the intonation. So, you are what you say and what other person imagines you to be. It is so tempting to become someone else! That is the reason why there are so many fake personalities and trolls. You must be ready to be attacked at any minute. Luckily, the Almighty Ignore Button is always at your service!
I came to EC I with my real picture and was immediately attacked by some weird people. As I am not a fighter by nature, I quickly hid myself behind this mask. And I am glad that I did it. It makes me less vulnerable . I’m often asked if it is me in this picture. Of course, not. I’ve chosen this picture because it reminded me of one woman that I knew. She looked exactly like my profile picture but she charmed me with her conversation . My first week on EC taught me to be cautious.
All these minor drawbacks and only make communicating on the net more exciting. Where else could I meet so many interesting and intelligent people from all over the world? I learn from my friends here about their countries, their ways of living and their views on life. It helps me to improve my English, to understand their culture and, though it may seem strange, to understand myself better.
Living in different countries can’t prevent from becoming friends but is a great obstacle if you wish to meet in real. I’m so curious to see the places and countries where my friends live. I wish I could spend some time in real with my friends and do something together with them, for example, go fishing or watch a movie. A real handshake would be great!
1. What do you find simply the best about yourself?
There are two things that are the best about me –first, I think I am an understanding person and second, I look gorgeous!
2. What would you miss the most if you should live on the desert island?
If I happened to be on a desert island I would miss People, see communicating with my friends and relations most of all. I guess I would start talking to trees.
3. What do you hate and why?
I really hate to see little kids being maltreated, or even to hear about it makes me feel upset.
4. Do you consider yourself realist or dreamer?
I consider myself a realist, though I can be naïve at times.
5. What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is that something drastic can happen-like war or a comet will fall on our Earth. I want to live a peaceful life.
6. What is the worst negative side of you?
My worst habit is postponing everything till the last moment. I am simply lazy!
7. If we could turn the time, what would you change in your life?
I am a little ashamed to say it, but I am a happy person and don’t have regrets.
8. What does money mean to you?
Money means a lot to everybody, and liars are those who say it doesn’t. It enables me to live the way I like. I just try not to let money rule over me.
9. Let´s suppose we can make one of your wishes come true – which one would it be?
I wish my father could live longer. I can’t even remember his face, let alone talking to him.
10. Why should people vote for you?
People can’t help voting for such a lovely person!! That’s what I hope for!!!
And finally the third task. Got your smiles ready?
1. I have decided to tell you finally the truth about myself. I consider myself Miss EC !!
2. I have just seen a mouse in this restaurant. Do you think we can order one, too?
3. Yes, I will do everything for you, even love you.
4. The fire is close, we have to log out.
5. That one man stares at me in a strange way, I will certainly buy one more dress like this.
Making friends over the internet
On the whole,I think it is not possible.But to my mind it can be possible if both live in the same country.In my opinion ,if we want a good,long-lasting friendship,we should see each other's faces,talk to each other.And it makes friendship better.If we live in a different countries,how can we see each other live? But If we live in the same country,things can go differently.Then we can meet and spend time together.
In common,u can write to ur friends from abroad,like here in the main chat.But I dont think this makes a real friendship.But in real life our friends can be with us in our bad time when we need them as well as in good times.But in a virtual friendship i cant exist.
So I dont reckon making friends over the internet is possible like in real life.We can only make close acquaintance.
I wanna add something.May God bless all our friends.We are so lucky that they are in our lives!
1. What do you find simply the best about yourself?
honesty and being motormouth( I talk a lot,even my teachers will kill me some day ):P
2. What would you miss the most if you should live on the desert island?
My Friday :P Just speaking with someone
3. What do you hate and why?
Injustice and artificiality(I cant bear two of these)
4. Do you consider yourself realist or dreamer?
Absolutely realist.If someone speaks like in a dream,I will say stop and get ur head out of the clouds!
5. What is your biggest fear?
I have never thought abt it.I will think and tell u later :P
6. What is the worst negative side of you?
Impatience and getting easily angry :(
7. If we could turn the time, what would you change in your life?
Times when I used to live with one of my close relatives.Her mother-in-law made my days awful.I m glad that that days are over.I would turn the time and would make me not to go there.But all of these has had a great impact too.Now I know the worth of good people more :)
8. What does money mean to you?
Money is many things,but not everything!
9. Let´s suppose we can make one of your wishes come true – which one would it be?
U better send me to the cosmos.This is one of my greatest wishes.
10. Why should people vote for you?
My answers are sufficient.My responds are the causes of why they should vote.
1.I have decided to tell you finally the truth abt myself.I consider myself a person escaped from the madhouse
2.I have just seen the mouse in this restaurant,do you think that I will go toward him and say to him:"Hi,Mr Mouse.We are so sorry.If u dont mind,we wanna kill u"
3.Yes,I will do everything for you,even I'll brush my teeth since from now.
4.The fire is close.Let's fry ourselves!
5.That one man stares at me in strange way,I will stare at him like he does to me and wave my hand at fornt of his face and will say.Hey man,what's up?
virtual or real that's not what defines friendship!
well i've known people from real and from the internet, to me real friendship was never about distance,well i remember the first time i involved myself in this virtual world as it's called, i met lot of people i even considered someone my best friend for so long and one day everything was gone, it was ok i could've expected that, but what i didn't expect is being stalked by that person's girlfriend that i never knew existed, all the time receiving bad messages from her and requests with fake accounts, as i ignore she goes further to the point that she added my sister and my best friends trying to turn them against me, i was so angry as i couldn't even explain this to my friends, i myself didn't now what was going on! she was low with everything she did but honestly i wouldn't blame her, she was playing but he was the one giving her the winning cards, i was disappointed as i saw her revealing my secrets that were supposed to be safe between two friends that trust each other, what bothered me the most was his reaction(i mean that person i thought was my best friend)
at first i thought it was some kinda joke as i couldn't find an excuse for all that, im not going to give details as that situation last for so long! anyway in short i've trusted the wrong person, there are different kinds of people, those that can't rise unless they bring others down, there are also the perverts, the freaks, the psychos :D I've personally met all of these, however from the internet i gained great friends one is my friend for four years now my close friend,we know a lot about each other and we're there for each other, and just recently i met an amazing friend that i feel so lucky to have! you know yourself! :D anyway im not going to say i've learned not to trust anyone and people are trustless and bla bla, this is so not me i never let anyone change who i am or change my view to anything, i believe people are not the same there is good and bad everywhere, and im still meeting new people, if im to describe myself i'd say im the reckless type, im always ready for more, i will fall and then stand up i will experience happiness and sadness, i believe a life wouldn't be balanced unless it has its good moments and bad ones! pain is not what defines us! what a life is for if you are always cautious? what makes life interesting is never knowing what will happen, accepting everything and always moving on! anyway i know my great friends will be reading this my new and old ones thank you guys for being a part of my life, im so thankful i met you all, and i'd love to meet you all someday in real! love you guys!
What do you find simply the best about yourself?
my eyes! :D just kidding, my compassion because it always pushes me to try to make other people's lives better as possible as i can, wich makes me feel good!
2. What would you miss the most if you should live on the desert island?
i would definitely miss rain!
3. What do you hate and why?
being betrayed, because i can forgive and give second chances in any case except of when it comes to trust, once someone loses my trust they lose it for good!
4. Do you consider yourself realist or dreamer?
pisces! absolutely a dreamer!
5. What is your biggest fear?
my biggest fear is to die alone!
6. What is the worst negative side of you?
my sensitivity as it makes it hard for me to handle myself and for others to handle me too!
7. If we could turn the time, what would you change in your life?
not dropping my first year in college no matter how hard my circumstances were.
8. What does money mean to you?
9. Let´s suppose we can make one of your wishes come true – which one would it be?
to overcome my health issues.
10. Why should people vote for you?
because i want to win! :D jk i wouldn't say they should vote for me, this is who i am if they think i deserve to win then they can ote for me, if not they just don't vote for me, anyway i've participated in this for fun, and it was fun! and im glad i was given the chance to show people here who i am!
1. I have decided to tell you finally the truth about myself, I consider myself a transgender person, im not a male nor a female, will i be miss ec or mister ec? confused enough?
2. I have just seen the mouse in this restaurant, do you think they serve cheesy food?
3. Yes, I will do everything for you, even changing your diaper when you're grey and old!
4. The fire is close, we better make him angry, his saliva shower could do the trick!
5. That one man stares at me in the strange way, I will take off my wig let me impress him with my dazzling baldness!
my sens of humour is awful i know! :D
however im glad i was a part of this and had the chance to express myself! it was fun!
Internet for me is a scary black spider , and all of us are stuck in his huge network Swallows our personalities . . Crush our real emotions .... separate us from real life .... It's just an illusion ..
I have a lot of friends on the net , but none of them really knows me We think we live surrounded by people and friends, but in fact we are deeply immersed in a terrible social isolation
All shortcut : the net is big masquerade based on deception and lies Even though some have said that this is not true .. deep inside they know it's the truth
let's take me as example
Who knows Was the black swan beautiful or ugly ?
Who knows if a boy or girl ? Who knows whether it is black or white ?
Who knows ? .... No one
1. What do you find simply the best about yourself ?
The best of myself is that I can sense the beauty around me: in the clouds in the stars .. .. .. in the sea in people in…
2. What would you miss the most if you should live on the desert island?
streets .. in everything .
Of course I'll miss the telephone network
3. What do you hate and why?
I hate math / in spite that I’m good on it / I find it complicated .. I like simple things
4. Do you consider yourself realist or dreamer?
I consider myself dreamer ..” I'm thinking about traveling to the stars “
5. What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is: insects
6. What is the worst negative side of you?
My bad side ... when i angered, I can ‘t control my anger
7. If we could turn the time, what would you change in your life?
If I can go back in time I'll tell my girlfriend I love her so much
8. What does money mean to you?
Money for me is a good servant ... and a way to achieve dreams
9. Let´s suppose we can make one of your wishes come true – which one would it be?
my wish : I want to achieve a world without disease and poverty
10. Why should people vote for you?
People should vote for me because I’m simply beautiful black swan ^^
1. I have decided to tell you finally the truth about myself, I consider myself The real heir to the British throne
2. I have just seen the mouse in this restaurant, do you think…that he’s a Server
3. Yes, I will do everything for you, even if you invite me to the dinner
4. The fire is close, we should close our eyes not to burn
5. That one man stares at me in the strange way, I will give him my handbag
Helena, Dark Knight
Almost too late as always for last moment, do not kill me for that, Luzzi... ;D (it has been very hard to choose!!!)
my vote for Muskan and Seeker.
My votes are for Inna and Dimas Prasetyo
I vote for Garima and Seeker
my vote goes to SEEKER AND G A R I M A A R O R A
I thought this was a secret voting. Oh, as much as possible, I don't like to hurt the feelings of the other candidates whom I will not vote for.
Luzzi, can I just whisper the names to you? Or maybe we can think of making a link and cast our votes there by just clicking the names of our favorites, without them knowing who voted for them.
8-( why u must moderate comments here 8-(
My vote is for Muskan . She is a great girl
I cast my vote for seeker and a woman candidate. Aqib Khan....