I am sit on the terrace and staring/looking at the moon, I am thinking now that how beautiful the moon is, but there is also a spots on the moon, but we ignore these spots and always saying that the moon is very beautiful, I like the moon, you are like the moon etc., it means that the moon is also not perfect, but we like the moon by ignoring these spots.. Then why we people always notice the mistakes of others why we people not see the beauty of that person, no one is perfect in this world. We people always trying to turn down the others. Everyone has an emotions like you like me, but we pretend like we are blind, we can’t see the person's emotions, person beauty, the things in which the person has perfection, but NO, we people just see/notice these things which we want to see in him/her, or these things from which the value of person can be down in front of others.. Just like Moon We should see the beautiful side of the person in which he/she has perfection…
Also correct Mistakes in this Blog....!!
-setareh yeah there comes a concept of pessimistic and optimistic.. thanks for your comment.
-Expector thank you for giving this nice information..
-Arif Saeed.. Thanks-- its true that this blog is based on my thoughts but that thoughts was come into my mind from the behavior of mostly people with others, who do not care of others. thanks for your comment.
-yeah camel you are right, we all have additional eye(heart eye). but its depends on us that we see others by which eye..!!! thanks for sharing your concept..
By the way, The Chinese lunar spacecraft were even named after Chang'e, the Goddess of the Moon in a Chinese myth, and the lunar robot rover was named Jade Rabbit, the pet of the Goddess.
I hope, have written this blog, you might have convinced yourself that looking for perfection in others is wastage of further time. So we are going to hear a happy news from your side lol
Congratulations in advance! :P
I am the first person who congratulated you first lol
Seeking the picture in this blog makes me feel SKY SAILING or MOON RAKING.
-Thanks you so much Mishaikh for correcting my mistakes..:) next time i will try to not make this type of mistakes. thanks again..
:) we can travel the whole world by imagining.. now you found yourself in the place of EN, that is nice..=) i like this Pic also.
-Malkeet thanks for your nice comment on my blog. Yeah, it is true; in animal case this type of differentiation never happens, it just happen in human case... we should depend on the inner beauty of the others I mean we should see the inner beauty of the others.. We should ignore the mistakes of others and try to see the good side, this will give inner peace to us and also them
-yasemin thanks for your nice comment.. yup we should try to think positive about everyone, and should try to find inner beauty in the person, to be positive about everything and everyone can give us inner peace.
-Expector you are right. that depends our thoughts like you are saying about the moon(fairy living with her rabbit)...:)) thanks for your comment..
-Evangelina THANKS FOR appreciating me.. thanks for your comment.
The picture attracted me very much and I found myself in place of EN.
I tried to send you more corrections in your mail box but not allowed.