This is not your statistical precision of estimates from sample surveys, nor the amount of random sampling error in a survey’s result. This is different and related to things I observed, as I often heard a normal complaint from so many people I know, and somehow I have the same objection deep within my heart. I strongly believe people desire for what is good and striving their best to do good to other people. This is quite sad to tackle but I feel like writing about it so let it be. I don’t want to hold back either. Though I know, I can’t express my whole thoughts ‘cause I can’t find appropriate words to do the job of explaining. 

It is certain that most of us try to do something in favor of our dear ones or just anyone, whether it is a family member, a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or even a stranger. We are trying our best to show them that we are good, to make them see the good side of us and eventually like us to be with them. Most of the times we make an effort to please them, we talk to them cheerfully, greeting them every day, giving or sharing some foods or whatever we have, we feel bad when we say no to their requests and we yearn for the moment to make it up for them.

In every relationship, the phrase give and take seems so overused. In order to maintain a harmonious connection, both parties should act symbiotically. You will see a person who aims to impart oneself and have been exerting efforts for other people that considerably enough for appreciation and to recognize that their existence is meaningful. This act is not confined only to those who are beloved but to the rest that are close to us to see that we are sincere in everything we do, in fact, we do things without even asking anything in return.

Sadly and unintentionally, you’ve done something wrong to them, a single mistake that looks unforgivable. (For them)

You regret it and apologize right away. You want to correct your mistake and wish to turn back the time when there is nothing wrong, like the original state of it.

There were so many beautiful things and deeds you’ve done, but in a single ugly mistake, the hundred lovely moments vanished like a dust in the wind.

The silent whine is you’ve done almost everything but those weren’t enough to cover what you’ve done wrong. They don’t forgive as if they are perfect and can stand to the rest of the world to claim that they never did wrong once or twice in their lives.

As a margin of error, an attempt to define the phrase in my own context, you are drawing a straight line, a straight line is your good deeds and actions, and all of a sudden you met the borderline of the paper, the point where the line ends is the point where you commit mistake, then you wish to straight it again and draw another line to another paper, but the gap remains, unless you use a transparent tape to connect the paper, the transparent tape is their forgiveness.

I have a protest, can we just continue to trace the line and forget the gap, please!

(This was based only on my observation, this may be true or otherwise)



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  • Nice blog, dear Risty ;) I agree with everything and as for your last point... we should be able to forgive because we are just humans and yeah we make mistakes, we make wrong decissions, we are being fooled etc. this all influence our life...if we get stuck, can't move on, we should try to see the things differently...if possible :)
  • Nice analogy, Risty! 

    Sure, everybody make mistake. ^^

  • Hello AG, thanks for reading and commenting here. :)

  • Hello Batu, human nature sucks sometimes...:D Thanks for leaving some words here. :)

  • Hello Sir Expector, thanks a lot for reading this, leaving a valuable comment and made this blog featured. Salute!

    I hope people should understand more about other's predicament in life, to solve the problem. :)

  • Excellent!

    I can see your point there, even though I don't really know what 'Margin of Error' means - you must be good at statistics!

    Yes, unfortunately, these things happen. They won't forgive you, even if you failed them just once - they will forget all you've done for them! That can be so disheartening or disappointing, though.

    Just imagine:  you've helped add a comment on all his/her blogs, but you just failed to comment on a blog he/she just published. That is, you failed to leave a comment, as was expected. Then, he/she may be so angry and even hate you. 

    I hope our members keep writing or publishing their blogs here, even though Expector has failed to comment on or feature some of the blogs they wrote:)

  • Nice blog..
    I agree with that message in it..
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