Dear homeland,Many centuries have seen you growing up, and wisely you took advantage from each and every culture, race and language you coexisted with.From the Romans who called you Hispania and taught you to vertebrate your body with the first paving roads and chanel the water to your towns.The Muslins who called you Al-Andalus and taught you to improve your knowledge in areas like maths, art or medicine.And the New World called America which taught you to taste new flavours like potatoe, chocolate, tomato, vanilla... even made you to smoke your first cigarettes.You shared your knowledge and influenced even in the so far Pacific Ocean...But you well know not everything has been easy to become what you are now since rough disputes and bloody confrontations with old neighbours and far friends have for many years been uncomfortable living with you. Surely this is part of this life you had to learn being a teenager that now allows you to be a mature democratic nation.Nevertheless, let me tell you that non friends are not out there nowadays. I feel sad for you because of a few blathering mouthbreathers who call themselves politicians, even dare to say they love you, spread their message like a cancer trying to drag you to the old fashioned and unsuccessful rules heading to no where, well, not exactly, heading to the poverty of people.Even so, you know that what does not kill you, makes you stronger, so don't forget your history and keep on looking forward.
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  • Hi my friend Onee,

    Yes, it's happening in many countries. That's why I say we citizens must be intelligent enough not to be ruled just like they would like to do.

    Btw, thanks for your correction, I started to write the nouns in singular but don't know why I followed in plural. As for blathering mouthbreathers, I meant stumbling idiots talking nonsense. I searched it in the dictionary although maybe it's too 'slang speech'

    Glad to see you again my favourite motorcyclist :)
  • Estanis

    I love this sentences.... "I feel sad for you because of a few blathering mouth breathers who call themselves politicians, even dare to say they love you, spread their message like a cancer trying to drag you to the old fashioned and unsuccessful rules heading to no where, well, not exactly, heading to the poverty of people" It's happening in many countries...

    blathering mouth breathers?? what is that mean? if you would please to explain. :)

    Hm...don't you think it should be ....every culture, race, language. :)

  • Omg... Tara!
    What a big mistake :o
    Thanks a lot for your time, encourage and correction :)
  • Wow! Those are very powerful words. Great writing. Thanks for taking part in this month's Writing Challenge. This letter has a little bit of everything!

    Re corrections:

    Many centuries have seen you growing up, and wisely you took advantage from each and every culture, razes, languages you coexisted with. (Please check which word you want to use here.)

  • Lol Evan... Like the song says, I like your way! :D

    Wish you the same for yours, one of the most beautiful and happy countries i,ve ever visited. (It's not a compliment)
  • My old friend Saba,

    Thanks for your compliment but I don't think I was born to write beautifully :D

    Btw, Spain is smoking from five centuries ago although nowadays it's like old fashioned and punished if done in restricting areas. I agree.

    As I replied Setareh, Same truly wishes for you too :)
  • Dear friend Setareh,

    Thank you for your nice comment. Just adding that to get it we, citizens, must be intelligent and don't behave like sheeps following our shepherds. Same wishes for your amazing and historical country.
  • Hi Estanis!

    Beautifully written, your talent in writing is great.

    I wish Espana never accept her first cigarette, but it's not too late, you can make her to quit smoking.

    Wish your homeland all the best :)

  • Dear Estains, I hope your country grow stronger and brighter every year. Nice writing, thanks for sharing.
  • Hi Ann,
    Your comments are always welcomed. Thank you for your time.
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