Dear Luci,I am sorry for the late,I know I was too late.I was thinking that what should I write,Because my English so poor.However, I could be write something.Here is my hand writing...

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  • Woww, Kal. Is Sinhala the only script in Sri Lanka? I've never seen this script before... 

    So unique......and I wonder what that mean.... :))

    Thank you so much for the wishes. Your handwriting is beautiful like you.^_^

  • Your handwriting is much nicer than mine. Hope to see your other posts
  • That's fantabulous, Kal! You wrote it beautifully and clearly. You've shown the uniqueness of your letter by showing your own language. Thank you for sharing it! May you have an everlasting happiness! :)

  • Dear Shadow,

    Many thanks for visiting and your words make me big courage and strength.May triple gem bless and Ayubowan dear.

  • Ayubowan dear Estanis,

    Thank you so much your kindly comment.If you need to learn I can teach you.hi..hi.. Your letters  so beautiful too.May triple gem bless you again.

  • Your English is not poor at all, easy to read it. Your hand writing soo nice & clean, just like as pearl. What a beautiful quoted you here. Thanks dear Kal. I liked it so much, I don't know about your mother language, thanks for sharing here it nicely.

  • My dear friends,

    I have written some words in my mother language. (with Sinhala) It is quote from lord Buddha.This is brief meaning of it,

    "No any odor(fragrance) of the world,blowing to the upper direction(anabatic wind)But,If someone has good natured with kindness,compassionate and unselfish.His/Her fragrance and fame spreading everywhere in the world."

    Dear, friends,

    Really I never knew how to describe it in English.If I have done grammatical mistakes pls forgive me.

  • It's amazing Kal! You have a very beautiful writing, I had never seen such a rounded calligraphy, it's so clear.
    As for your language I have never seen it before too, really nice! Perhaps that's why you have such calligraphy.

    Thanks a lot for sharing it with us. I love it.
  • Ayubowan,Dear Harshh,Dear Precious and Dear Grace,

    Thank you so much for liking my post.May triple gem bless all of you too.

  • Dear Anah Sid,

    Thank you so much your kindly comments and liking my language.Appreciate your kindness.May triple gem bless and Ayubowan dear.

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