Lifechanyuan will build a New Oasis for Life in Canada
Since 2003, Lifechanyuan has been running for fourteen years. We established our first branch in
2009 in Yunnan, China. We then established another seven picturesque homes in Yunnan, Xinjiang,
and Jiangsu provinces and have advanced to maturity in both theory and practice.
One of our dreams is to unite global ecovillages and intentional communities into one big
international family. One of our goals is to create a brand new life mode for people that is totally
different from traditional lifestyles. We firmly believe that changing the traditional life mode is the only
assurance for sustainable human development. The new life mode established by Lifechanyuan over
these recent eight years cannot only bring blessings to all humans and other living beings on the
earth, but ultimately make everyone who participates in this new life mode enjoy happy, joyous, free,
and blessed lives.
To realise our dream and our goal and considering the multi-cultural background and beautiful
environment of British Columbia, Canada, Lifechanyuan will establish a community there and will call
it the New Oasis for Life. We have purchased ten acres of land and one building there and hope to
establish a big family for people from diverse nations, beliefs, and cultures to live together happily.
I am currently living in Vancouver. Everything is just starting and I urgently need a person who is a
skillful driver living in Canada or the United States. This person also needs to know Lifechanyuan
values well and have great passion for the establishment of an ecovillage. I am not recruiting, but am
looking for a volunteer who is keen on establishing an international family. I will provide all food,
accommodations, and transportation, but no salaries or bonuses. It would be ideal if you could work
for at least three months, but it would also be fine If you would like to live with us longer or
permanently. If you would like to join us permanently, the only prerequisite is that you become a
Chanyuan celestial. We pray for blessings from the Greatest Creator and that the ideal person will
come early.
If anyone is interested, please contact me at my WeChat number below.
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